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Choi Seongcheol. Soobin's older brother and my mom's younger sister's son means my cousin. He and Taehyung oppa are the same age with just few months difference. But I like him more hehe.

Seongcheol and soobin's dad is a successful and well known man in hotel business. He owns almost 8 five star hotel 3 seven star hotels and few 3 star hotel all over Korea and even have some in overseas too.

Currently seongcheol is the CEO of the business and working hard to keep their name. He is very hard working and strict to his morals which makes me like him more. Also he is very handsome ;)

I almost ran down the stairs and entered in living room where I see dad, oppa, soobin and seongcheol are talking about something. I slowly tip toed without making a sound went towards them and stand behind seongcheol oppa. A gently put my hands on his eyes and said in a mimic voice, "Guess who is it?"

I see dad and oppa smiling of my behaviour where soobin gave me a weird look which I totally ignored. Seongcheol oppa smiled and said gently , my hands, "Humm.. isn't it my little cute cousin sister?"

I pulled my hands away. "Wrong!" And sat beside him saying, "I'm your cute cousin sister but not little anymore! Oppa I'm already 21 and will be 22 in a month! I'm grown up!"

Seongcheol oppa gently patted my head and said smiling, "My bad. I forgot that my lil sister is now grown up and getting engaged soon!"

I furrowed my eye brows at the statement. "What? Engaged?" I looked confusingly at oppa who smiled lightly and looked away. I turned to dad, "dad? What's going on here?"

I sat straight and said looking at his watch, "Nothing serious for you to worry. I have a meeting to attend and I guess you also have class. So let's talk later." He stood up as well as we too.

I wanted to say something but Taehyung oppa stopped me. Dad bid good bye to us and left. I crossed my arms at oppa and said narrowing my eyes, "Oppa? Can you please explain what's going on here? Why dad and mom suddenly talking about my marriage and you're not defending?"

Oppa sighed and looked at me, "Sanha I'll explain everything to you later. Now I've something important to discuss with seongcheol. So just stop worrying about this and go now." I looked at him shocked. He turned away from me and looked at soobin, "soobin take care of her. And drop her back soon, don't be late."

Soobin nodded. "Hyung I think you should worry about me not her." I glared at him which he noticed from the corner of his eyes but still ignored me. Seongcheol oppa and Taehyung oppa both chuckled a bit.

"Soobi-" I was trying to say something to him but he cutter me off grabbing my hand pulling me outside. "Bye hyungs. And pray for my safety. Hope to see you later on." He yelled to them and I smacked his arms.

We both got into his car and he pulled off. After crossing our neighbourhood I left out a relief sigh and lean back on my seat closing my eyes.

"So..." I heard soobin saying. "Now can you kindly tell me What happened between you and jungkook?"

I opened my eyes and tilted my head to him. "You won't stop asking until I tell you right?"

He nodded with a smirk. I sighed in frustration and sat up straight. "As you know I had a show the night before yesterday at Yoongi oppa's bar." He nodded without looking away from the road as I continued.

"So everything was going smoothly until I noticed jungkook there. Though it didn't bothered me that much cause its normal for him to show up on my shows. Until he got involved into a heated argument which led to fight. Jungkook was drunk and high on drugs that made the situation worse."

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