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No-one's POV:-

'Flight from New York Stewart International Airport to Incheon Airport has landed 20 minutes ago. Passengers are requested to follow the essential guidelines to exit and collect their luggage. If any problem please contact nearest worker. Thank you!'

Pushing her blue suitcase a girl in her early twenties, wearing a long brown coat with a black jeans entered the lounge area of the Airport. Fixing her mask and sunglasses she scanned the area to see if anyone noticed her or not.

"Pfft! Where should I go now?" She mumbled to herself. While she was searching for the exit gate her phone started buzzing. She pulled out and received with a relaxing tone.

"Opaa!! Where are you?"

A calm male voice answered from the other side,

"Park Sohee!! Where the hell are you? I'm waiting for you outside!"

Ok did I said a calm voice? Umm my mistake sorry 😐

Sohee hold her phone away from her ear to let them live some more years. Then again put it on and said in a irritating tone,

"Yahh! Didn't I told you to come inside? This is Airport is huge, I'm lost!"

Jimin rolled his eyes before answering,

"How old are you to get lost huh? 5? And who told you to speak this casually with me huh? Did you forgot I'm older than you!!"

Now it's sohee's turn to roll her eyes.

"Nae oppa! Now can you please tell me how to get out from here? I'm dying to go home!"

"You're not dying to go home. You're dying to see someone."

Jimin said with a smirk.

"Whatever! Just take me out from here!"

"Ah arasseo! Just wait there I'm coming."

"Come fast before anyone see me."


Jimin hung up. Sohee stared at her phone with a irritated face then put it back in her purse. She looked around her to see a empty seat and sat there waiting for her brother to pick her up.


Sanha's POV:-

Everything that's happening around me is just too much to bear. And on top of all college is killing me too. Like who gives assignment only a day before submitting?

I am too tired to even keep my eyes open cause I pulled an overnighter to finish assignment which was due today.

And as soon as I reached home I threw my bag I don't know where and just fell on bed closing the world shut with my eyes. Ahh finally a good sleep for next few hours.

At least I thought I'll get that! But you know how much God loves me right?

Just when sleep was finally started to deprive me my bedroom door burst open with a loud thud making me frown. I can feel someone entered in.

I was about to open my eyes but even before that the person entered jumped on my bed beside me embracing me in a tight hug. I was too stunned to say anything. But when the realisation hit me I shove the person off me by her shoulders and I was right!


She smirked and brushed off my hands from her shoulders and sat properly folding her hands near chest before starting,

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