Sailing Towards Adventure

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"Doll! Doll!"

That was the only warning Ragatha got before something collided with her legs. A smile crossed her face as she glanced down at the twins. Emma and Emily hugged her dress, looking up at the ragdoll with wide curious innocence that any child their age could have.

Though, she learned to be more wary of Emma when she got that certain look in her eyes. The one that reminded everyone who the father was.

"Doll! Doll!"


"Hey there you two!" Ragatha put on her best smile. She enjoyed the pair's company, finding their curious and innocent looks on life here a breath of fresh air in this digital heck. "You look energetic today. Where's your mom?" The doll glanced around, trying to find any sign of the anxiety-riddled jester. She wouldn't let the twins get far out of her sight.



"Sleeping?" Ragatha frowned. Oh boy. Then that meant... "Is Jax supposed to be watching over you?" She couldn't help but sigh, debating if she should go and lecture the rabbit about his lack of responsibility to the twins.



Ragatha looked at the twins in surprise. "No?"

"No!" Emma chirped, jumping up and down.

"Oh... well then, why are you guys here? Shouldn't you be with your mom?" It felt odd to call Pomni a mother, but she'd been doing a good job raising the twins so far. Even with Jax's limited help.

"Play!" Emma threw her hands up in the air. "Wanna play! Play!"

"Pay..." Emily buried her face in Ragatha's dress, and the ragdoll was smitten by the white rabbit's cuteness. Emily was so shy and timid, she was basically a second Pomni. Which was really odd considering that everyone thought that she would turn out more like Jax.

"Oh, you guys want to play?"



"Alright. I guess since your mom's asleep, I guess we can play for a while." Ragatha shrugged, earning a cheer from Emma and a tail wag from Emily. "What do you two want to play? We can play anything!"

"ROAD RAGE MADNESS!" Emma shouted.

"Anything that isn't influenced by your father."

"Exploding Bashing Cars!"

"No, that's not any better." Ragatha sighed, shaking her head. For being a mini version of her mother, Emma certainly took more after her father with her personality. "Hmm... oh! How about we go to the park? You guys like the park, right?"

"PARK!" Emma beamed as Emily peeked her eyes out. "Park! Yeah! Let's go! Park! Park!"


"Alright, let's head to the park and have some fun!"




The Digital Circus didn't normally have a lot of places that were calm and casual.

Everything in this place was dangerous and wacky, with the looming threat of abstraction hanging over nearly every hour when the mind wasn't occupied.

Yet the park was a relatively safe place.

And it became safer after Pomni partially begged Caine to child-proof most of it after the twins started walking.

"Em! Em! Climb!" Emma called down to her twin, bouncing on her hands and knees as she waited. Emily was taking her time, slowly climbing up the block, grunting as she struggled to get one foot up.

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