Ringmaster's Lament

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"HELLO GIRLS! How's–?"


"LITTLE SUPERSTARS! It seems like–!"

"Bad dumb dumb."

"Are you drawing? THAT'S WONDERFUL! Are there any for m–?"


"Hey Emma, I need you to taste test this candy that Bubble made and–!"


"Oh Emily~! How's my favorite–"


Caine frowned as Emily stuck her tongue out at him and pointed her thumb to the floor. From what he could recall, Emily was the quieter, more timid twin than her sister. Or did he get that wrong?

It was hard to tell these days.

Just as it was hard to tell how human brains worked.

Humans were very complex beings to him. And while they were quite fascinating, they could be vastly frustrating at times as well.

He was sure he got most of the personalities of the current humans down. Gangle was an artist who had a breakable mask and liked to cry a lot. Kinger liked to stare and scream at things. Zooble often ignored the adventures he set up for them. Ragatha was sweet, kind, and a very good target for ax throwing practice! And Jax was a wildly fun-loving trickster! Yes sir! He knew them well enough to know what they were like and what they liked!

Then there was Pomni and the twins.

Pomni was... well, confusing. One moment she would be crying and teetering on a nervous breakdown, and the next she somehow managed to surprise him. Even when he was half expecting the surprise, the ringmaster was always taken back by the sudden and new side of her that he didn't expect.

A nervous wreck? Manages to brave a spooky maze and befriend a few of the NPCs he set there. Shy and unable to speak up? Somehow taking the front led and guided everyone to safety with boldness in her voice. Uncontrollable chaos that no one could tame? Puts her foot down and sends it (as well as him) into the corner for timeout time.

She even had moments of violent bloodlust and destruction that rammed through his work like nothing he'd ever seen before!

No wonder Jax fell for her.

And the twins. The odd pair that he couldn't quite wrap his computer-programmed AI brain around.

Normally, humans who entered THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS! arrived the same way as any other. A headset that they willingly put on their heads and transported to this amazing world!

Yet the twins didn't pop into existence on the stage like all the others. Somehow they were transported inside Pomni and were stuck there for a while. He didn't know how, and everyone wouldn't tell him! They just averted their eyes and got awkward and refused to speak about it.

Jax was going to tell him, but he suddenly changed his mind when Pomni gave him a loving punch to his stomach and a passionate hand squeeze around his neck.

Well, at least the twins were out of her now! Thank goodness for that! Caine wasn't sure if he could deal with her strange behaviors and odd food requests for so long. He was still having trouble fixing areas she managed to break after one of her 'moody phases'.

But the twins. Goodness Gosh! They are something!

They weren't NPCs. Caine couldn't recall making the pair, and they weren't in any of his files or storages. Plus, they were stable in an area that neither NPC, Bubble, or THE RINGMASTER HIMSELF could step into. Only humans could. Nothing made of digital numbers and electrical programming could spawn in there, so the twins certainly weren't AI or NPCs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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