last part 1

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.The door creaked open, revealing Jimin. His face was etched with a chilling smile, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor. Clad in black – tight jeans, a fitted shirt, and a leather jacket – he looked more menacing than ever.

"Ah," Jimin uttered, his voice laced with a hint of theatricality. "There's my poor Taehyungie. So pitiful and weak." A manic laugh erupted from him, sending shivers down the spines of the three witnesses. Jin, especially, was aghast. Jimin, their friend? This couldn't be him. Perhaps the situation had driven him to hallucinations. After all, the person standing before them bore no resemblance to their sweet-natured Chimy, whose laughter was as melodious as a song.

Jimin's laughter subsided as he finally focused on the occupants of the room. The shock on their faces was evident. "Listen," he began, his voice surprisingly calm, "I'm not here for you. Just tell me, is Tae dead or not?" His gaze flickered to Taehyung, whose breaths were shallow and labored.

Before Jimin could get any closer, Jin reacted instinctively. A resounding slap echoed through the room, the force of it turning Jimin's head to the side. "Why would you do that?" Jimin shrieked, his voice laced with outrage. "He's innocent!"

Jin gritted his teeth. "HE is a sinner! He deserves to die!" Jimin roared. But a choked sob escaped Jin's lips. He cradled Taehyung's head in his lap, pulling him into a protective embrace.

Jimin stood up, straightening his clothes. "Your innocent angel, Tae, is a murderer," he spat, his eyes welling up with tears. "He committed a sin. He killed him!" Tears streamed down his cheeks, a stark contrast to the burning hatred that flickered in his eyes.

The remaining three remained silent, their shock rendering them speechless. "Who did he kill?" Jin finally managed to ask, his voice hoarse with unshed tears. The sight of Taehyung in such a fragile state tore at his heart, a pain as raw as if it were his own brother who lay there.

"He killed Yoongi," Jimin whimpered, collapsing to his knees. "He killed him without a shred of remorse. What crime did my Yoongi commit to deserve such a fate?"

"He committed a crime by loving him," Jimin choked out, leaving Jin speechless.


Back in their university days in America, a boy named Yoongi fell head over heels for Taehyung. He was captivated by Taehyung's beauty and relentlessly pursued him, showering him with confessions. But Taehyung, ever gentle, always turned him down, albeit politely. Yoongi, however, took it in stride, masking his heartbreak with a playful smile.

Meanwhile, a different kind of fire burned within Jimin. Every time he saw Yoongi flirt with Taehyung, a pang of jealousy ripped through him. It was a cruel irony that Yoongi, who treated everyone else with icy coldness, reserved his warmth for Taehyung.

Despite his feelings, Jimin tried to convince himself that Yoongi's happiness was all that mattered. He'd bury his own desires if it meant seeing Yoongi smile. Yet, the jealousy gnawed at him from within, fueling a silent war between them. He'd badmouth Yoongi to Taehyung and vice versa, hoping to ignite a spark of animosity.

But his efforts were in vain. Taehyung remained adamant that Yoongi was a good person, while Yoongi, despite his doubts, clung to his love.

Then came graduation day. Yoongi, in a grand gesture, proposed to Taehyung in front of everyone. But Taehyung's response shattered him. Not only did he reject him, but he also hurled a hurtful insult.

Yoongi, devastated and heartbroken, succumbed to the crushing weight of despair. He saw no future without Taehyung, the only person he loved. With a heavy heart, he ended his own life.

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