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Lilith found herself nestled in her familiar prep room as she readied herself for another round of chariot rides. However, the atmosphere today lacked the usual spark of excitement that typically accompanied these preparations. Once a ritual of delight, Lilith's pre-chariot routine had transformed into a somber ritual devoid of its former joy. Where once she delighted in experimenting with makeup and crafting elaborate hairstyles, now she went through the motions with a sense of emptiness, the thrill of creativity replaced by a sense of obligation.

Shortly after, Quinn, her dedicated stylist, along with three other individuals, joined Lilith. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, except for one member who repeatedly urged Lilith to remain still and quiet. As the team engaged in conversation, they expressed admiration for Lilith's transformation, noting her increasing beauty and expressing optimism about her chances of winning. However, for Lilith, such considerations had lost their significance. The impending fate of some of her peers overshadowed any thoughts of victory.

Her thoughts swirled incessantly around the pact she'd struck with President Snow. Regret gnawed at her conscience, yet she knew, deep down, that it had been a necessary evil. The alternative was unthinkable: her family endangered, their safety hanging by a thread. She couldn't bear the weight of that guilt.

But the burden of her secret weighed heavily upon her. She hadn't breathed a word of it to Ben, Daryll, or Hadley. How could she? The mere thought of their reactions sent shivers down her spine. Fear gripped her, fear of what Snow might do if he discovered her betrayal. So, she bore the weight alone, as she always did.

In the silence of her solitude, she grappled with her choices, wrestling with the consequences of her actions. For now, she remained on her own, navigating treacherous waters with only her own resolve to guide her.

Shortly after they finished her hair and makeup, Quinn helped her into her dress. The brown-colored dress, a flowing masterpiece, draped seamlessly from her shoulders, creating delicate folds that whispered of grace with each movement.

She wore a dress of rich brown and gold, its fabric adorned with small golden spots reminiscent of a cowhide pattern. The high collar encircled her mid-neck, seamlessly connecting to the rest of the garment. A daring deep V neckline added an alluring touch. From her waist down, the front of the dress featured a sheer golden panel embellished with intricate gold patterns, creating an ethereal effect. The back of the dress contrasted with a rich brown, adding depth and sophistication to the ensemble.

Quinn carefully positioned a sleek mirror in front of Lilith, its surface pristine and reflective. As Lilith gazed upon her own image, a genuine smile bloomed on her lips, illuminating her face with a rare glow. For what seemed like an eternity, she hadn't truly felt beautiful, but now, in that fleeting moment, confidence surged within her. With a soft turn towards Quinn, her eyes sparkling, she expressed her gratitude, "It's beautiful."

Quinn's lips curved into a warm smile, her eyes alight with anticipation as she glanced at Lilith, seeking her approval. "Is it?" she asked, a hint of uncertainty mingling with her excitement. Lilith's nod was subtle but affirmative, her expression softening with appreciation as she took in Quinn's creation.

Knowing Lilith's aversion to drawing attention to herself, Quinn had poured her heart into crafting a design that spoke volumes in its simplicity. Each stitch and curve had been meticulously chosen to embody an understated elegance, a reflection of Lilith's refined taste and distaste for ostentation.

"It's not as grand as Cinna's masterpieces," Quinn confessed, her tone humble yet earnest, "but I wanted to capture something uniquely you."

Lilith chuckled, "I love it."

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