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Almost six years have passed since Lilith won the Hunger Games, a feat overshadowed by the bloodshed that stained the arena. When people encountered her, the predominant topic of conversation revolved around her perceived brutality. Her games were deemed notorious for being among the bloodiest, the haunting spectacle of half the tributes meeting a grisly demise.

Some of the bloodshed stemmed from Lilith's actions, driven by a surge of anger that consumed her in those moments. However, in hindsight, she deeply regrets her actions. Despite this remorse, the Capitol has branded her as a monstrous figure, a label she resents with every fiber of her being. The weight of her guilt was insurmountable, a burden she carried alone, feeling utterly misunderstood by those around her.

Even her own father, a victor, and her older brother, have failed to grasp the true depth of her remorse. While her father's potential intoxication might offer some explanation for his lack of understanding, it was her brother Roman's sober praise that truly disgusted her. The fact that someone so close to her failed to see the darkness within her actions only added to her anguish.

Since then, Lilith opted for a life of seclusion with her brothers and father. Her appearances were sporadic, limited to mentoring reaped tributes and occasional visits to the barn of her small barn. Grateful for the safety and luxury given to her by the Capitol, Lilith couldn't shake the nagging feeling of unworthiness. The ghosts of her games persisted, and though she found comfort with her brothers, nightmares and echoes of the arena haunted her still.

Seated before the flickering fireplace, Lilith, Roman, and Theo absorbed the warmth of the flames while their father remained distant in his slumber. His absence had become a familiar pattern, and the siblings had grown accustomed to navigating life without his active involvement.

The trio gathered around the television, anticipation hanging in the air as they awaited the announcement of the Quarter Quell. Lilith sensed an unease, a premonition that this year's Games would bear a weight unlike any before. Now that Katniss Everdeen seemed to have given hope to the districts, the Capitol must have something up their sleeve.

The holographic screen illuminated their faces as President Snow materialized.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 75th year... of the Hunger Games. It was written in the charter of the games. In every 25 years, there will be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died. And the uprising against the Capitol."

Lilith could feel her brother's eye burning into her head. She simply ignored him and continued to watch the announcement.

"As a reminder, that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol. On this, the Third Quarter Quell game...the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors in each district."

The revelation struck Lilith like a thunderbolt. She felt like she was sixteen again, having her name called out amongst the hundreds of potential tributes in the bowl.

The weight of those words settled heavily upon Lilith, a sense of defeat creeping over her. Everything she had endured seemed meaningless if she had to face it all again. Snow's callous disregard for the people fueled Lilith's anger—a tempest threatening to unleash its fury.

In a burst of emotion, Lilith seized a cup, hurling it at the wall as the shattering sound echoed her internal turmoil. Roman and Theo, familiar with their sister's storms, moved cautiously, averse to the physical manifestation of her anger.

Theo spoke, "Okay...let's talk about it," attempting to defuse the tension before Lilith could inflict more damage. Her breaths were heavy, her anger palpable as she struggled to process the reality of being thrust back into the arena.

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