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Lilith perched herself on the edge of a wooden chair in Ben's cozy kitchen, the faint scent of brewing coffee lingering in the air. Across from her, Ben leaned forward, his expression earnest as they delved into a weighty conversation. Their discussion centered around a pivotal decision: should they step forward to volunteer for the older victors in the looming third quarter quell.

As young victors themselves, the gravity of their potential choice hung heavy in the air, each word carrying the weight of uncertainty and responsibility.

"Are we seriously considering volunteering for them?" Ben inquired with a furrowed brow, his tone laced with uncertainty. "What if they end up volunteering for us instead?"

The bond among the victors of District Ten had deepened over the years, woven together by shared experiences and mutual support. Their camaraderie was unyielding, forged through countless trials and victories. They were more than allies; they were a tight knit family, bound by loyalty and a shared understanding of the complexities of life in the Capitol.

Lilith's reassurance came with a gentle yet firm tone as she leaned in slightly, her eyes carrying a quiet determination. "They won't," she affirmed, her voice steady. "We'll make it clear that we're volunteering for them."

Ben's skepticism lingered in the air, his brow furrowing with concern. "I doubt Daryll will allow me to volunteer for him." he remarked, his words laced with a hint of apprehension. Daryll's protective nature towards the tributes from District Ten was well-known; he wielded a strict demeanor, yet beneath it lay a profound sense of care."

Ben inquired, "So, how did your dad react to the news?"

Lilith let out a scoff before replying, "Well, he was quite pissed when Roman broke it to him."

Daxton Shepard's demeanor betrayed a lack of pride as he slumbered through the crucial Quarter Quell announcement. Roman, relishing the opportunity, took delight in breaking the news to his father. Lilith and Theo, nearby, were startled by Daxton's sudden outburst and the subsequent sound of a cup shattering.

"Understandable," Ben remarked, acknowledging the situation with a nod.

Ben, like every other victor, found himself engulfed in dismay upon hearing the announcement of the quarter quell. The solemn promise of a secure life, once assured to him, now seemed shattered. Yet, amidst the turmoil of emotions, there lingered a peculiar resolve within him. Despite the gravity of the situation, Ben harbored a surprising readiness to once again step foot into the dreaded arena. To him, there seemed to be nothing left to forfeit, as if the shadows of the arena's past had already claimed whatever semblance of security he once possessed.

As Ben and Lilith sat conversing in the kitchen, the creak of the front door hinges pierced the air, drawing their attention. Their heads turned in unison, eyes locking onto the figure of Daryll as he closed the door behind him, his footsteps echoing softly against the polished floorboards as he approached them. While it wasn't entirely out of character for Daryll to make such an entrance, the suddenness of his arrival still sent a jolt of surprise coursing through Ben's veins, momentarily disrupting the tranquility of the moment.

"No offense, but why are you here?" Ben inquired with genuine curiosity as Daryll settled into the seat beside Lilith.

Daryll's response was direct yet cryptic. "I'm here because of the third quarter quell announcment," he stated, his tone carrying a weight of significance. Then, addressing Ben's unspoken concern, he added, "Just to clarify, I'm not volunteering for you." His words cut through the air with a clarity that left little room for misinterpretation.

Ben blinked in surprise; his expression tinged with offense as he gazed at Daryll. "Why?" he questioned, his voice carrying a mix of confusion and hurt.

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