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Reaping day loomed ominously, its arrival fraught with heightened tension. The anxiety gripping Lilith surpassed any previous year. The knowledge that she would likely be selected again amplified her fear. Her thoughts incessantly returned to a conversation she had shared with Roman several months prior, replaying it like a haunting echo in her mind. Roman's conviction was resolute: Katniss Everdeen was to blame for their recurring ordeal of reaping. The weight of this belief bore down heavily on Lilith, intensifying her apprehension as the day unfolded.

"Are you ready?" Theo's voice quivered with a mix of anticipation and anxiety as he glanced over at Lilith.

"No, let's just get this over with," Lilith replied tersely, her words laced with resignation. The blaring alarm echoed through the entire district, signaling the start of the reaping at the justice building, a ritual that spared no one except the victors from its grasp.

Theo and Roman shared a heartfelt embrace with their sister, their gestures tinged with a sense of finality. They waved solemnly to their father, whose somber expression betrayed his inner turmoil. This parting felt different; it carried the weight of potential loss, a realization that hung heavy in the air.

For Theo, the prospect of separation gnawed at his insides, a gnawing fear that overshadowed any sense of stoicism Roman might possess. Though Roman's facade often masked his emotions, the impending departure of Lilith stirred a pang of sorrow within him, a rare vulnerability amidst his usual indifference.

Lilith and their father confined inside, awaiting the inevitable escort to join the other victors outside their home.

Daxton, visibly seething yet remarkably composed, stood vigilantly near the door, his restless steps echoing across the room. Lilith couldn't help but sympathize with her father's plight. She was keenly aware of the haunting memories he carried from his own time in the arena, and witnessing his distress stirred a profound ache within her.

After a tense wait, peacekeepers arrived and methodically guided the victors from their homes. At the forefront strode Lilith, flanked by the four other victors. The absence of Olga, who had tragically died weeks earlier, lingered heavily, a reminder of the peril they all faced.

Leading the procession to the justice building weighed heavily on Lilith's shoulders; all eyes bore into her as they traversed the thoroughfare. The entire community had assembled, a sea of faces standing shoulder to shoulder, each pair of eyes fixed on the stage where the reaping would soon commence. Loved ones stood close, offering silent reassurances amidst the tension that hung in the air like a heavy fog.

Despite the palpable anticipation, there was an unusual undercurrent of calm this year. The usual nervous energy that typically permeated the gathering was noticeably absent, replaced instead by a sense of resignation. The reason for this collective composure was clear: this year's reaping held a unique promise. With the assurance that only previous victors would be reaped, there was a shared belief that the odds were in their favor, that no fresh faces would be subjected to the harrowing ordeal that awaited.

As Lilith strode past her brothers, her gaze met theirs briefly. Roman's expression caught her attention immediately—a subtle blend of guilt and discomfort, a departure from his usual demeanor. It struck her as unusual, stirring a curiosity within her. Roman hardly expressed concern for his younger siblings.

With Hadley by her side, Lilith ascended the steps to the stage, positioning themselves on the right. On the opposite side stood Ben, Daxton, and Daryll, forming a mirrored arrangement.

Trinity's voice reverberated through the microphone, commanding attention from the hushed crowd. Every word she uttered seemed to carry weight, as if the very air held its breath in anticipation.

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