The art of being human

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After being mugged and beat up in an alleyway, you just want to be left alone, but your boyfriend wiggles his way into your heart and coaxes you into letting him help you.

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"Don't worry about it," you mumbled as you stumbled towards the bathroom, "I've got it."

You reentered the apartment you shared with Lee Know. His concerned dark eyes scanned your body from head to toe. So many words sat on his lips, but none of them came out. You couldn't blame him. Nobody expected to find their significant other in this state.

Perhaps, it was your own fault. He told you multiple times to stop taking the shady alleyway that cut through town, but you couldn't help it. It shaved ten minutes off your normal walk to the bookstore. You went down it multiple times before without an issue, but this time was different.

Your wrist was yanked from behind you. During dusk, the sky was overcast with remnants of citrus and cerise. The last wisps of cumulonimbus steel-blue clouds were dulling to a gray. Caught off-guard, you stumbled backwards.

Your body was shoved and you slammed into the back of a brick walled building. Two unfamiliar men towered in front of you demanding your wallet. They stood taller than you, you should have been terrified, but you weren't, your first reaction was instant anger.

You had been planning to go to the bookstore for days. You specifically set aside time on this day to do it. Who did they think they were and why did they decide to mess with you? Maybe you were naive, or noble, or maybe it was just stupidity. You could have given them your wallet and let them go, but you ran your mouth instead.

Fuming with your hands clenched into fists, you told the two men to go fuck themselves. It threw them off for a few seconds. That was never part of their rehearsed script. Your wallet was safely secured in your back jean pocket and you had no plans to take it out.

All of your information was in your wallet. Debit card, credit card, your ID, and even photographs of you and Lee Know. It'd be a cold day in hell before you willingly gave it up.

It was a mistake on your end. A fist swung and you blocked it, but you weren't prepared for the second fist from the second attacker. You hit the ground and shoved your hands up. You tried to defend yourself as best as you could.

Every tip of their sneakers sent shock waves through you when it connected with your rib cage. Every pointed knuckled, the flashy silver ring on one's finger, containing a purple gemstone, nicked your skin, and filleted you like a fish. It was two against one and it was clear you wouldn't be winning the fight.

You were in the middle of the alleyway when the attack began. No matter how much you tried to call for help, the words never escaped your lips. You didn't have a chance due to the searing pain that crept up the side of your rib cage.

By the time they finished, they never took your wallet, but they successfully managed to smash your phone. You were grateful it was only your phone you lost. You kept everything backed up, so you weren't worried.

As you explained the situation to your boyfriend, his concern for you grew. Your left eye was beginning to swell. You could barely see through the small slit left behind. Without meaning to, tears leaked out of it from irritation. It ached and the skin began to turn a pinkened-red.

Scrapes and cuts filled your arms. Your sides were littered with the beginning stages of bruised ribs. The pavement grated your delicate skin and rubbed it raw. It was a miracle you were able to get home without running into them again.

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