Sophie, Keefe and Biana at the Beach

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Sophie wore a red one piece swimsuit with a red skirt and a red towel that she layed on next to Biana who wore pink sunglasses and a purple one piece swimsuit while Sophie was reading "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows" when Keefe pulled her from her towel and then got Biana and pulled her from her towel with her sunglasses dropping on them then they went swimming in the ocean but Sophie got scared of the sharks so Keefe held her hand then Keefe could feel that Biana got scared as well so he had her hold Sophie's hand which was strange to both of them then they swam back and both girls screamed at Keefe at how dangerous it could have been with sharks being in the Forbidden Cities ocean because he took them that far and Sophie had to teleport them out then Linh dried them off and they all thanked her. 

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