Chapter 1: Spartans

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Third Person POV

Over in space there is a planet called Pandora. This planet is the home of a humanoid alien species call the Na'vi, this is a beautiful place, a beautiful forest planet, great blue skies, animals beautiful oceans, etc but 15 years ago the organization called RDA wanted to make Pandora the new home for humanity since earth is dying. So the RDA started building on Pandora but the Na'vi hated them for ruining their home. Then a man named Jake Sully betray the RDA, since he fall in love with a Na'vi, a war happened the RDA lost and they were kick out of Pandora but 15 years later the RDA have returned to Pandora.

Then the scene shows of space in a ship, there was a room pf RECOMS people who are brought back to life in a body of Na'vi, as the leader given a speech.

Leader: "We are not in Kansas anymore, We are going to Pandora, now I know you're all asking yourselves the same question... Why so blue?"

They laughed.

Leader: "For our sins in our past life, we have been brought back in a form of our enemy that gives us their size, their strength, their speed and with our training that's a pretty potent mix."

RECOM: "Do we have mission yet?"

Leader: "Indeed we do, our mission is to hunt down and kill the leader of the Na'vi insurgency the one they call 'Tourk Makto' Jake Sully"

All: "Yeah"

Then a worker walks in the room.

Worker: "Excuse me Colonel Dr. Halsey wants to see you"

Colonel: "I'll be there."

The Colonel meet up with a woman Dr. Halsey.

Colonel: "Dr. Halsey?"

Dr Halsey: "Colonel Miles Quaritch, good to see you again, how are you liking your new body?"

Quaritch: "Strange at first but I'm getting used to it."

Dr. Halsey: "Follow me I wanna show you something."

Quaritch followed Dr. Halsey to the cargo room as ships were bringing in something and they were cryopods.

Then one of them third shifts almost dropped one of the cryopods.

Dr. Halsey: "Hey be careful with those! They are really important."

Worker: "Sorry ma'am."

Quaritch: "What are they bringing again doctor?"

Dr. Halsey: "Spartans."

Quaritch: "Spartans? Wait I think I remember that program. It was a super soldier program but it was shut down years ago since it was really dangerous."

Dr. Halsey: "We brought it back and we have created six nano suit soldiers."

The covers of the cryopods open up and they see the Spartan soldiers three females and one male.

Dr. Halsey: "Quaritch, this is Red Team."

Quaritch: "What are they're code names?"

Dr. Halsey: "Alex, Reina, Samantha, and Y/n Sully."

Quaritch: "Sully? Wait, I'm confused Jake had a brother but he died years ago."

Dr. Halsey: "This is his son."

Quaritch: "Son? Sully had a kid?"

Dr. Halsey: "Yes. Sully had a son before he arrived to Pandora. Y/n here was left as a orphan but we approached him and invited him to be a part of the Spartan program."

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