Chapter 2: Meeting the Recons

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A/n: Another chapter already? Well I already got some ideas on the next few chapters. I know I should be taking my time but with the help of my friends I can get this story halfway through at least. I already have most of the story planned out it's just I haven't been able to work on it with all the other stories and plus my job.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Third Person POV

Dr. Halsey and Quaritch led the Spartans back to the meeting where the Recons were at. They all were in conversations with one and the other while some were working out. As soon as Quaritch walked in they immediately noticed him.

They all immediately notice the 4 armored soldiers standing behind him and the doctor.

Quaritch: "Attention!"

All the Recons turn their attention off from what they were doing and turned their attention to the colonel.

Recom 1: "Who are they sir?"

Quaritch: "Everyone! I would like for you all to meet the Red Team."

All the Recons stood up and got a good look at the Spartans. The Spartans didn't say anything but saluted them in respect. Some of the Recons were mostly looking at the females for very obvious reasons.

Recon 2: "Who are they supposed to be sir?"

Quaritch: "These are Spartans they will be joining us for the mission."

The recons seem very interested in them. Some were very surprised by the armored people.

Quaritch: "Everyone! Meet Cinder, Sadira, and Athena aka Alex, Reina and Samantha."

He introduces all the female Spartans first who solutes the Recons. Before turning to the last Spartan.

Quaritch: "And lastly, the leader of Red Team, the Reaper aka Y/n Sully."

The silent Spartan removes his helmet finally revealing his face.

The silent Spartan removes his helmet finally revealing his face

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All the Recons were shocked causing the room to be silent.

Recoms: "Sully?"

They all seem very confused by the Spartan.

Recom 1: "Wait I'm confused, Jake had a brother but he died years ago."

Quaritch: "This is his son."

This seems shocked all them even more.

Lyle: "Sully had kid?"

Quaritch: "before you all start asking questions. Yes, Sully had a kid way before he came to Pandora. We approached them and signed him up for the Spartan program. He was left as an orphan I want you all to show him some respect."

All of the Recons nod then they begin to ask questions. Some were curious about why they were wearing armor but mostly they were curious about what they can do.

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