Chapter 3: Arriving on Pandora

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Third Person POV

Y/n is sitting down on some crates waiting for the time to head down to Pandora .

???: "Reaper?"

Y/n looks to his left and sees Dr Halsey approaching him.

Y/n: "Dr. Harley is there something you need?"

Dr. Halsey: "No it's more like I'm giving something."

Dr. Halsey holds out a chip then a small red woman appears on it.

 Halsey holds out a chip then a small red woman appears on it

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Dr. Halsey: "This is your personal AI she'll help you on your mission on Pandora."

Dr. Halsey gives Y/n the chip holding the AI.

Dr. Halsey: "Think of her as a second pair of Eyes."

Y/n: "What do I call her?"

Dr. Halsey: "Ask her what she named herself."

Scarlett: "Hello Reaper I'm Scarlett"

Y/n: "Nice to meet you Scarlett"

Scarlett: "It's a pleasure to work with you ."

Y/n nodded.

Dr Halsey: "Take care of her Reaper"

Y/n: "I will ."

Dr Halsey smiled and walked away then Y/n put the chip in the back of his helmet.

Scarlett: "Just keep your head Reaper there's two of us here."

Y/n is grabbing his gear getting ready to head down to Pandora his team is waiting. He's not sure of working with the RECOMS since he doesn't fully trust them.

???: "Hey there~"

Y/n turn around and he sees one of the RECOM named Z-dog.

Y/n turn around and he sees one of the RECOM named Z-dog

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YN: "Hello there"

Z-dog: "So you're Y/n Sully?"

YN: "Yes I am"

Z-dog: "Never thought Sully had a kid"

Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: "He had me before he went to Pandora I miss him everyday but now I'm getting my revenge for him."

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