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9:15 am, thursday, 2007

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9:15 am, thursday, 2007.

Craig Tucker- age 18, an upcoming high school senior & for the summer, a working 7/11 associate. he stood at an even six foot one inches, as result from a growth spurt that hit late summer before junior year. he had a lean build with broad shoulders. his hair was a deep natural black to match his equally dark, thick eyebrows. his eyes were a blue dark enough to encapsulate a staid demeanor, his skin was a light tan, & his voice deep & nasally.

& just under his right eye was a beauty mark, light enough that you'd miss it without examination.

he had a pet guinea pig named Stripe, of which he cherished wholeheartedly. he enjoyed watching stupid & crude cartoons on MTV, Jackass episodes & old re-runs of his favorite childhood show- Red Racer, using his sidekick during work hours, skating with his friends &playing video games.

apart from what he liked, there was much more to note when it came to things he didn't like.
he hated waking up early, nonsensical teenage drama, tight t-shirts, apparently new mainstream pop music, funny enough his friend & skating buddy-Kenny McCormick, people obsessed with celebrity drama & the smell of cigarettes. the list stretched on, though, there was someone he knew that didn't make the cut for his 'everything i hate' list.



"hows it goin, Tucker?"

Y/n L/n.

"oh, hey." a short greeting left his lips as he cleared his throat, running his hands in fists over the folds in his navy blue jeans. "i didn't think you'd come in today."

Y/n sighed, "ugh, i wish." she moved behind the checkout counter, slipping her work bag off her shoulder & throwing it under, using her foot to push it into its furthest corner next to Craig's well loved Santa Cruz skateboard.

"but y'know, my dad can get super anal about me missing work." she rests herself on the counter, leaning against its cold exterior as she watched her brother from afar as he pocketed the fifty dollars she gave him & hopped back into his car.

asshole, didn't even come in to fill the pump. she thought, rolling her head to rest on her shoulder.

"i mean, it is a punishment." she shrugged, initiating eye contact with her coworker, of which he hindered away from & looked to a random snack isle for momentary solace.


Craig remembers meeting Y/n in the middle of the fifth grade school year. she was timid, quiet & kept to herself a majority of the time, which were traits he liked in the people he hung out with. although, one fact about her set him off. she grew up in California, & in his eyes that meant she was a snobby, rude, better-than-everyone-else city girl & it was only a matter of time before she would put those characteristics out there for the world to see. if there had to be a type of people Craig hated most in the world, it was self righteous assholes who thinks they're better than everyone else.

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