8 | best friends "forever"

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9:46 am, saturday, 2007[tw: slight mention of suicide]

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9:46 am, saturday, 2007
[tw: slight mention of suicide]

the sky was blurred amidst the sheer clouds of gray, translucent fog. the air was dampened, & it smelled of rich petrichor despite how it hadn't rained. the trees swayed softly against the faint breeze; for the most part the atmosphere was still & silent, for the exception of the occasional car crumbling against the gravely road.

Y/n was the only one awake, she was sure of it.
she sat perched against the dividers that separated the roads from the nature, dressed in sweats & a unfitted hoodie. she crossed her arms over her chest, a still figure amidst the calm scenery.
she held a photo in her hand- a polaroid.

its age was evident in the deteriorating corners & discoloration. it was a photo she often kept safe & hidden away in her wallet, only making an appearance every so often, & when it did; she never took the time to admire it.

but Y/n couldn't help but do so now, staring at it with longing eyes & a firm grip.

it was a photo of her & her late mother.
she can't recall how old she was when the photo was taken, but she remembered the day.
Y/n had just won her elementary school spelling bee, & her mother awarded her with her favourite lunch.
she can almost remember the smell of her favourite food, reminiscing on even the thought of it brought her comfort.

her & her mother were striking strange expressions, huddled closely in a tight embrace.
she looked so different; in Y/n's dreams her mother was a distorted enigma only vaguely resembling her true self. but when she stared at that photo, Y/n could recall each & every detail.

her mom adorned a silver nose ring, a piercing she had gotten in her youth & kept throughout her adulthood. the smile lines & crows feet etching at her eyes signified her maturity & age, but she looked gorgeous regardless. she shared the same eyebags as Y/n, so similar you'd assume they were genetic; but Y/n knew they were results from years of child-rearing & her nine to five.

Y/n's eyebrows furrowed, pinching her face. her eyes had been staring into the photo for so long, it started to warp in her hands.
she looked up, meeting with the tall, brooding mountains just across the road.
her eyelids were heavy & she could feel her exhaustion weighing into the sunken pit of her dark circles.

after spending a great majority of the night in the light of the moon with Stan, tuning her guitar & conversing about whatever came to mind- they both returned to their tents & went to sleep.
it was around 4:30 when she finally found herself drifting off, but waking her up in a cold sweat was a nightmare about her dead mother.

shaken, & distraught, Y/n tried her best attempts at falling back to bed. but they were futile; she couldn't shake the gruesome image of her deceased mother.

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