3 | truth or drunk

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4:23 pm, thursday, 2007

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4:23 pm, thursday, 2007.

"touch me one more fuckin' time i'm gonna sock the shit out of you, dickhead." Craig threatened, watching as Kenny tic-tac'd a small ways back from him with a shit eating grin on his lips & his hands in the air.

"sorry babe." Kenny laughed, softly nudging himself along the concrete behind Craig in the commute to Kyle's house, both of them slowly cruising along amongst their skateboards. Kenny had been bumping the nose of his board with the tail of Craig's, simply just to evoke a rise out of him- which worked, of course.

"c'mere," he puckered his lips, "give me a big kiss." he pressed them together teasingly, enjoying the look of absolute horror on Craig's face.


Y/n walked at an even pace besides them, stifling a small laugh of amusement with her hand as her eyebrow perked. she didn't completely understand their dynamic- especially when Craig badmouthed Kenny in what seemed to be such genuine crudeness; but if Kenny was happy in their relationship, she couldn't even begin to imagine disrupting it.

Kenny turned to Y/n, meeting her gaze with a smile still plastered on his face. despite how imperfect his teeth were, there wasn't a day he didn't flash them self confidently. much like Craig, Kenny was someone who didn't care for the opinion of others; it was definitely a trait Y/n admired in her best friend.

Kenny & Y/n first met in fifth grade the day of her transfer, but had only started speaking to one another a week into her academic ventures at South Park elementary, with intentions less than pure. before they knew it, they were talking in class almost every day- & slowly but surely over the next few years, they grew to be close friends. much like most guys in their class, he thought she was one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen. that opinion still remains today; Kenny still finds her extremely attractive, but he could never imagine asking her out. simply because he knew finding someone attractive was nowhere near the same as having deep profound feelings for them, & because he understood that Y/n & him- they both had a good thing going, they knew everything about one another, they grew inseparable. he couldn't imagine ruining it because his dick thought before his head.

"so, how's the home life going?" Kenny pried; Y/n's amused guise clearing from her face as she rolled her eyes.

"it totally drags." she started. "work sucks," Craig felt a small ping in his chest. "i get up early, go to work and come home. i've got jack shit to do; my dad expects me to be asleep by like, eight pm and if i'm not he takes my phone away."

a small sheesh leaves Kenny's lips, his wrist moving in a circular motion around the handle of the plastic bag full of snacks in order to further his grip as he nudged himself softly against the concrete.

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