5 | jealousy

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11:11 pm, thursday, 2007

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11:11 pm, thursday, 2007

"that was, kinda gay."

Clyde peeped, his voice erupting amidst the dark, silent living room. the credits to The Notebook rolled at a slow pace along the TV screen, & the ending music played faintly.

everyone sat generally close to one another. an array of empty beer bottles, crushed chip bags, candy wrappers, dirty napkins & greasy pizza boxes laid sprawled along the coffee table. the only source of light illuminating the space was the television, which was now dimmed to the movie's conclusion.

Clyde sat on the couch with Tweek, & Craig sat squished between the two, his arms resting on his stomach & his shoulders directed inwards to avoid the discomfort of such close proximity. Jimmy sat beside Tweek, & at his feet sat Red, Heidi & Wendy on the carpet- with their legs crossed beneath a thick, cozy blanket. just a few feet away at the second couch, was Tolkien who had his arm wrapped around Nichole. their section of the carpet was occupied by Stan, Cartman & Kyle- who for most of the movie couldn't resist fighting over their own blanket, as Cartman refused to share despite it not belonging to him.

& finally, next to Nichole was Kenny & Bebe; Y/n laying comfortably between the two blondes with her arms crossed over her chest.

"i thought it was alright." Tolkien spoke, his fingers tapping lightly at Nichole's shoulder, who sat in close proximity to him. she looked up to meet his gaze with a look of revelation etched across her face, her eyes welling with tears.

"just alright?" she sniffled. "it was a masterpiece." she sighed, dragging a finger beneath her eye to wipe away a tear.

Tolkien laughed with amusement in response to his girlfriend's suddenly emotional state.

"it's okay," he comforted in a hushed voice, pulling her into a small hug as she struggled to keep her mascara from smearing.

as the credits started to near their conclusion, the background music dissipated into silence, & the sound of faint sobbing could be heard coming from the trio of boys at Tolkien's feet.
once the movie had reached its ending in its entirety, everyone in the room searched for who could be crying, & not so surprisingly enough- Cartman sat facing away from the large group of his friends, hand clasped over his hot, red face in an attempt to hide the fact that he was the one choking up; struggling to keep his cries buried in his chest.

Kyle snickered. "no way, are you crying over the movie fatass?" he teased, a condescending smirk gracing his lips.

"no! " Cartman replied rather sternly. "i just, i'm allergic to assholes." he grumbled, tone defensive as he lowered his hand from his face only somewhat; to reveal his bright red cheeks & puffy eyes. weirdly enough, it did look like he was experiencing an allergic reaction- which made it all the more funnier for Kyle.

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