the sunken moon told me

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Izuku Midoriya was the son of the baker, Inko Midoriya.

Every child within the kingdom must visit the churches for their blessing at the age of 7 (Blessings are quirks). Every parent wants their childrens' blessings to be strong, except for the fact that 'strong' isn't necessarily 'good'

There is a curse that runs through these generations, the curse of seven. Seven witches, seven curses.

Each curse is designed after the seven deadly sins, although albeit loosely. It is every mothers' greatest fear that instead of a blessing, their child receives a curse. Young children are taught from a young age to fear those with the curse and to fear it's history aswell.

The story states that there were actually eight witches, one of whom married the prince. All was well until her powers were discovered. The king ordered her death and said each of his four grandkids would be given a death fit of their heritage. When the prince tried to defend her, he was killed. The young witch sobbed by her husband, desperate for his health. The prince's personal guard offered her a final wish before her death. The woman brushed away her deep red hair and asked, "I wish the old willow by the hills be cut, and my love be buried in it's place. Before he's buried, I want you to plant these seeds in his open chest. I know how much you two meant to eachother, and I don't wish to take your place beside his burial."

And so it was. The prince's chest wound treated and the strange purple seeds planted by his severed heart. The knight lowered his prince into the grave by the stump of the willow next to which he (the prince) had gotten engaged.

The children, each with odd abilities since the age of two, were slaughtered.

The vampire bound to a lamppost and burned in the sun.

The werewolf shackled with silver chains.

The young witch poisoned with her own failed potion.

And the dragonite had a sword run through it's chest.

The mother watched tearfully, kneeling by their bodies. She muttered and weeped for days until her execution. The children were buried by their father while the mother's ashes were dumped in the river. The sisters of the witchy princess and their children were also hunted down and killed in similar fashion.

Since this eventful month, every century, children receive satanic blessings resembling the powers of these powerful deceased.

"Alright kids, remember to write the stories summary in your own words to submit on Tuesday!"

The kids galloped out of the classroom and into the fresh air outside. Izuku rushed up to the blonde walking farther down the road.

"Kacchan! Isn't your seventh birthday today?"

The blonde smirked, "Hell yeah, it is! What do ya think my blessings gaonna be?"

"I think it'll be amazing!" Izuku replied enthusiastically, "Especially since you are amazing"

The boys kept walking down the cobbled street, passing by smoky cafés and soot covered blacksmiths'; the tall carriages carried by horses and well mannered townsfolk, each using their cool blessings. They turned off the main street, still babbling excitedly about Katsuki's soon to-be-blessing.

"I bet it'll be like Mitsuki-san's!" Izuku said, opening the door to his mother's bakery.

"Hello boys!" Inko greeted them, taking out a fresh loaf of bread from the many ovens behind the counter.

"Mama, mama! It's Kacchan's seventh birthday today!" Izuku told her enthusiastically.

Inko smiled warmly as the boys sat on the high stools in front of her. She handed Katsuki a plate with dumplings settled on them.

"That's why I made his favourite," Mitsuki hummed as Izuku and Katsuki both ate the exceptionally spicy dumplings.

Once they had finished, Mitsuki Bakugo, Katsuki's mother, came from the back door leading to the main building. She was wearing tall boots and tops. She and her husband, Masaru, were rather popular tailors. Thus, the Bakugo family set off.

Izuku spent the day in pur anticipation. He helped his mother serve the customers. He baked some croissants here, decorated some cupcakes there, he sat by the window in his room above the bakery anxiously checking whether his best friend was back while attempting to do his homework.

Eventually, he went back to his mother and that's when they returned.

Katsuki was sitting on his father's shoulder and sobbing into his hair. Mitsuki stood beside her husband looking thoroughly miserable. Izuku almost asked what was wrong but his mother beat him to it.

"Mitsuki-san, what's wrong?"

Mitsuki looked up and spoke without feeling.

"After the test to make sure he had a blessing, they didn't let us in there because of my clothes," She sounded disgusted, "And then- they-"

She broke off, turning and stomping up the stairs beyond the open door. Katsuki continued sobbing.

Masaru looked directly at Inko and said, "He's cursed. Werewolf. One of the children of pride."

Hello!! Im sorry ive been gone so long 😅

Ive been busy, but I hope you like this. It'll prolly be a multi-part thingie as I have a story for this idea :)

Good bye! Drink water and sleep well :DD

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