ELECTRIC LOVE ••• Shinkami

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Hey, author san here, I'm finally getting into AU's.
This is a celeb/musician AU


The bakusquad.
One of the most famous bands.

The dekusquad.
A group of the most famous streamers.

Shinsou was just a small online musician. He had fans and viewers that supported him. But he was just the artist you go for comforting songs. Songs that make you feel better. Music that taps into your soul and makes you feel...safe. Comforted. Wanted. Apparently, a lot of people need that. The Dekusquad and Bakusquad went to the same high school and college as Shinsou. They were actually really close friends. He still has contact with most of them. Last friday, he joined the Dekusquad's newest vlog. Last Sunday, he helped Mina and Eijirou find good guitars. The only person he outright avoids is Denki Kaminari.

Feelings disagree with work.

Shinsou has had a...crush on the Electric blonde.

Bit shameful admitting he's on the same level as a bunch of high school girls, in all honesty. But- look at him. His eyes the most mesmerising shade of yellow. Hair so...special, different. And don't even get him started on his fashion sense. If he had no self control, he'd faint every time Denki even smiled at him.

There goes Aizawa's promise that his child won't fall for another loud, idiotic blonde.

Shinsou was currently in his favorite resturant, chewing on his pasta and scrolling through the comments on his latest song.

"Amazing job. You never fail to surprise me with your talent"


"Great song. This will deffo be stuck in my head for the next day"


If Shinsou's being honest, his favorite part of his fans are the comments. They give the best criticism and are just way more truthful. He lifts his head to the sound of the bell jingling, indicating someone came in.

The Bakusquad.


They were wearing 'disguises'. They, honestly, weren't that good but Shinsou knew what their disguises are. The first ones to walk in were a disgruntled looking Katsuki. Wearing a black mask and black jeans with, what appears to be, deku merch; a small loading screen doing circles with plant-like designs near the end of the sleeves on a dark olive green. Beside him was Kirishima talking. Wearing a red shirt with a black starry design and a black jacket with poofy sleeves and dark green, almost baggy looking pants. Behind him was his energetic girlfriend, Mina. Wearing a dark purple cap and blue jean overalls over a pink crop top. She wore those round circular earrings Tsuyu gave her for christmas. Beside her was the one and only, Denki Kaminari. Wearing a yellow shirt with a black lightning shape in the middle. Of course. he wore his own merch. He was wearing normal blue jeans and a carmine/dark red beanie. Behind him was Sero with a white t-shirt with a chinese letter in the middle with a jean jacket around his waist, wearing black sweatpants. He also wore a black mask. He was on his phone with his earphones plugged in one ear.

They sat down on one of the further chairs. Bakugo and Kaminari with their backs to him and Mina and Sero facing his direction. Kiri sat beside his girlfriend.

In average Bakugo fashion, Bakugo put his feet on the table and took out his phone, Texting someone. Kiri immediately started looking at the menu. From what Shinsou could see, Mina was sitting with her elbows on the table and feet crossed, Kiri's hand on her thigh. Kaminari was trying to peek at Bakugo's phone. Sero suddenly glanced up and caught Shinsou staring at Kaminari, catching his (Shinsou's) eye. Shinsou immediately returned his eyes to his half finished bowl of pasta. Sero leaning over to Mina who was now scrolling through her phone, holding her boyfriend's hand. Sero whispered in her ear and she too looked at the place where Shinsou was sitting. Poor guy was blushing from being caught in 4k.

"Oh no..." Shinsou knew that shit eating grin Mina had WAY too well.

"She's gonna play cupid, isn't she?" Shinsou thought worriedly.

"well there goes that 8 year old secret."

Shinsou quickly paid and left before that pink haired match maker could approach him.

Being friends with the bakusquad gave him access to some damn good equipment. He usually had his sessions once or twice a month. Usually in the morning or evening since the Bakusquad usually take up the afternoon, night and midday. He was supposed to be working on a 'love song' according to his manager. Strangely enough, he has fangirls. Their not frenzied and dirty minded like the bakusquads' but he still doesn't like them. Too much attention. But apparently he needed to make a lovey dovey song.

He accidentally made it about Denki... Oops...

No kidding. The lyrics and music and the whole tone and vibe of the song gave out chaotic, friendly and loud, kinda crackhead-ish too.

"Shinsou...did someone else write this?" Hatsume half jokes when he arrives. He had arrived a little earlier than expected since his lunch was ruined by a bubble gum haired alien looking girl.

"No. I used my...um...interests vibe of song instead of mine" Shinsou says, averting his eyes so he doesn't have to make eye contact with Mei. Shinsou himself was wearing a gray shirt with an unchained black hoodie with his guitar case on his back.

"Alright then, I guess" Mei said. She wore a rotten peach  type of colored tank top and bage jeans. "we'll start with your vocal exercise and then the song. Do you want to make the instrumental first or the lyrics?". Shinsou finally decided to make eye contact with her, "let's do the lyrics first."

Author san is here to tell you that since I'm an idiot, I can't say "Denki pov" since the story is fully 3rd person. So, I'll just say "with Denki" or "with Mina", etc.

With the bakusquad:

Sero leaned in to whisper in Mina's ear. "psst. Hey Mina, isn't that Shinsou". Mina almost immediately looked up and saw the embarrased purple haired male."yeah, why?" Mina asked, turning to look at Sero. "He was staring at Denks" Sero informed her in a whisper while they both looked at Kaminari try to peek at Katsuki's phone. They heard  a jingle of the bells near the entrance and saw Shinsou walk out. Kaminari had also noticed and turned to look."Hey. Was that Hitoshi?" Denki asked, turning to Mina and Sero. Shinsou didn't like people calling him his first name (Hitoshi) but allowed Kaminari to do so."yes. Yes it was"

They ate their food and left the little diner. Even though they were super rich, they didn't live a lavish life. Bakugo stayed with his boyfriend in their apartment while Kiri and Mina lived together. Sero and Denki live together because Kaminari doesn't like being alone. Trauma is a bïtćh.

They were currently in Sero's van, Mina sitting on Kiri's lap sharing earphones and watching videos. Sero was driving and Katsuki was the second seater. Bakugo was still talking with Midoriya. This was one of the few rare times he was smiling. Kaminari was also on his phone. He told Mei they were nearly there.

Pikachuu 💛⚡
We're nearly there

Mei 💗🔌🎤
Hurry up

Pikachuu 💛⚡

Part 1, done!
1248 words in abt 4 hours.
I'll make part two a bit later.
See ya'll!

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