livin' in a damned tree

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Katsuki Bakugo was the son of the royal advisor of the Kingdom of the west. The son of Masaru Bakugo and Mitsuki Bakugo. The Western palace has a special way of choosing their next heirs

When the current rulers deem it necessary, a sort of tournament is held among those who wish for the throne. An intelligence test, a strength test and the test of choice, a holy test that only chooses the most worthy.

And yeah, blah blah blah. Katsuki could care less. All he wanted was that his tutor hurries up and finishes yapping so Kats can go hangout with his best friend, Izuku Midoriya.

Katsuki has known Izuku since they were about... 3? 2?? He barely remembers. They were 9 now

Katsuki's wolf ears twitched in annoyance. He kept doodling plans for his and Izuku's mega treehouse.

You heard the man right, mega treehouse.

It was something the two of them had been working on since they were five or six. The had chosen A huge tree, like, it was as wide a four fatgums holding hands and as tall as... As...


The royal palace! Yeah, probably

They had one main treehouse that is basically a fully customised home you can rent in the kingdom, a few net-floors on some higher branches and a few 'lookout towers' that they just used to do homework in the afternoons.

Izuku was a tiger and damn good at climbing, so he planted strategically planned temporary net-floors so Katsuki could build their new rooms safely. Katsuki had been doing this for a long time and they often stole stuff from the Katsuki's mansion to furnish their tree mansion

Izuku came from a knight's family and his father is still in service to the main empire. As such, Izuku is under special protection but is also considered a peasant in most scenarios.

When his tutor finally gave him his homework, Katsuki got up and dashed to his room. He changed into a little button up shirt he tucked into his funky bell bottom pants and decided to take one of his less dramatic fur robes as he dashed out.


Izuku was sitting on a platform high up the tree, his tail hanging of the edge and wagging slightly. He was wearing an olive green shirt and a beige vest to go with his beige pants with kneepads and gloves whose fingers he tore off. He didn't mean to tear the fingers off, he tried to use his claws and it just happened.

Izuku huffed bitterly and his long orange tail wagged more noticeably as he pushed his homework away. He shoved the papyrus scrolls and loose notes into his pouch and swung it over his back just as he heard a few bushes being moved and saw his best friend appear in the clearing.


Katsuki looked up and grinned.

Izuku grabbed onto the ladder they had installed and hurriedly made it to the main tree house just as Katsuki closed the door behind him. Izuku beamed and all but ran to hug him.

"I missed you!" He yelled as Katsuki yelped from the impact of the tackle-hug

"Deku, we saw eachother yesterday- AHH" Katsuki yelled again as Izuku pushed him onto a pile of bean bags just to curl up on top of him and purr. Yes, Midoriya can purr.

Now you might ask yourself, hey, how did two nine year olds make basically the monkey equivalent of a mega mansion?

A fine question, my good sir. The simple answer is that its not just two nine year olds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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