under the cherry blossoms ••• bakudeku

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"Deku kun. Calm down"

Midoriya and Ochako were sitting on Ochako's floor with the greenette on her bed with his face covered with a pillow. Midoriya had been complaining to her about-


"Deku kun, please tell me who you're talking about.." the brunette said; sitting up slightly to look at his face, which was still covered with a pillow.

"Oh. Kacchan"


"Yeah...He'll never like me back..." the greenette stated, taking the pillow off his face and looking sad.

It was their third and final year at U.A. Both Midoriya and Bakugo had fallen in love with the other. The funny part was- the rest of the class could tell they liked eachother, but they couldn't.

"I- Deku kun, why are you telling me this? I mean-" the brunette stopped and averted her gaze from him to the circular rug on her floor "don't you think Mina San or Jirou San could give you better advice then me?"

"yeah but they both are super close to Kacchan and could accidentally spill that I like him" he said, matter-of-fact-ly

"I-...can't exactly argue with that..." she said.


"Er- bakubro, don't you think you're overreacting?" the red haired boy stated from his place near the door, dodging a lamp thrown his way.

"Yeah! You almost hit each of us-" Kaminari said, peeking out from inside the blondes' closet.

"Bakubabe, you need to tell us why or who got you acting so strange. It can hel- AAH!" Mina said from beside her boyfriend, Kirishima. Nearly being hit by an explosion.

The only reason the 'Bakusquad' was in Bakugo's room was because they heard Katsuki yelling. Like- full on screaming. They could tell he was lovesick, catching him daydreaming about whoever it was proved their point.


"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY LOVESICK?!" yelled back a very angry (yet flustered) Bakugo

"Dude, all of us can tell you're in love." Sero said with a poorly hidden smirk.
"HUH?!" Bakugo replied
"just tell us who it is" Mina said, leaning on Kirishima.


"Why Should I?" asked Bakugo. He was blushing a light pink on the tips of his ears and his cheeks. "So we can help you get a lover" said Kaminari smugly.

Bakugo looked unamused. "get soy sauce a lover and then I'll be impressed."

Sero, looking offended, said- "well, get a significant other and I'll be impressed"

"I- SO WOULD I!" Shouted Bakugo himself.

"it's Midoriya" Mina said firmly. "I thought we knew that" Kaminari said, peeping at Mina from behind the closet door."we did" confirmed Sero, crossing his arms "Right, Kiri?". "yep...everyone except Midoriya...bummer." Kirishima said with a shrug.

"I- Wh-...FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM, EXTRAS!" bellowed a furiously red Bakugo, snatching a plastic bottle from bedside table to throw at them.


Months passed like this. The two were, surprisingly good actors, keeping their shit together around eachother.

"when will you tell him?" Todoroki asked. It was their graduation party. They had finished third year and got their hero licenses. The dekusquad was just sitting there, hanging out.

Midoriya looked up from his noodles. "Eventually."

The tables had turned now. Midoriya and Bakugo had asked eachother out but didn't tell the class. Kinda ironic, huh?

"You were supposed to ask him out last year." Todoroki said, glancing at the table where Bakugo was sitting.



It was still their graduation party but it was just Katsuki and Midoriya under the cherry blossom. The 'plan' is that either will ask out the other, and boom! New couple. What they don't know is that they're already dating.

"Kacchan, I have to tell you- no ask you something..."

"What is it nerd?"

"Will you marry me?"

"Deku. We're barely fucking adults"


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. See you next time <3

Author san, out!

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