Changing the circus

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As the train moves, Private and Kowalski pump air in the fire, Kowalski, Rico, and Skipper pull levers, Private runs on a wheel; Kowalski checks the levels of the train; Rico hammers down a nail, and the Penguins pull the chains up and down as steam comes out. In another cart, King Julien kicks Mort and Maurice inside and uses them as stepping stools to jump in. King Julien sniffs. "Hey, this is not First Class." He said. They look around to see a chewed-up tire hanging from the ceiling. "Definitely coach." Maurice said. They are frightened when they see claw marks on the wall, hooks, ropes, and bear traps hanging.

They hear creepy singing until they realize it was just Mort. "La, la la... La, la la... La, la la." He sung. "Mort! Stop it!" King Julien scolded. Mort giggles. King Julien steps on a fish skeleton, they all are disgusted. They hear growling and look up to see red eyes looking through the darkness. The Lemurs hug each other in fear, but they see it was Sonya the Bear wearing a tutu and riding a tricycle. King Julien couldn't look away from her. Sonya chumps the head off the fish and it landed between her and King Julien. Sonya and he reached out for the fish at the same time. "Hey, gorgeous. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a supermodel? Albeit a fat, hairy one who smells." Sonya eats him and pulls him out by his tail. "Whoa! Oh-ho!" He said. Sonya puts him on her back as she fishes out for more fish. "Ohh... You have a very hairy back. I love that in a woman." Mort and Maurice just look at each other in complete confusion.

~time skip~

"That's it! I'm going in." The man crosses over the yellow tape, gun ready. The others urge him to come back. "Stop! It's too dangerous!" One shouted. "Don't be a hero!" The man slips on a banana peel and fires his gun. The policemen enter, but slip on banana peels. Dubois rolls in front of Alex's paw print. "Lions." She sips water from the print. "Twelve hours old." She licks her lips. "Two hundred and fifty kilograms." She takes hair out of tongue. "Glossy mane. Too much conditioner." She hears another gunfire and looks behind to see the police. "Eh, stupid bozos!" She puts the hair back in her mouth and sniffs until she caught a scent in the middle of the tracks. She sees the gang boarding a train. "Hello, kitties! So, you ran away with the circus. What a cliché." Dubois puts on her lipstick and lies under a train as it made its way to the tracks. She rolls out and jumps on a cart that's going to Rome. A circus tent is pitched in the middle of the Colosseum in Rome. There's a large crowd. "What a dump!" Skipper said. The Penguins count the money. Private puts change in Rico's mouth. "If they want to attract a decent sports team,

they should bulldoze this rat trap and invest in a new arena." Rico spits out the change in a tube. At the ticket booth, a man was buying a ticket until he notices the ticket master was a chimp dressed as a clown puckering his lips. (Y/n), Alex and Marty walk around the Colosseum, in awe by its appearance. "The Colosseum, guys! The original theater-in-the-round. You know, my ancestors used to perform here." Alex said. "No kidding!" Marty said. "Yeah. Every show had a captive audience. Apparently, they killed." (Y/n) said. "Sounds like a great gig!" Marty said. Inside the tent, elephants, horses, small dogs, and Stefano were getting ready for the show. "Trenta minuti, everybody! Trenta minuti!" Stefano said. "This is so exciting!" Marty said, and (Y/n) giggled. "Remember, we just lay low. Stay out of the way. Let them do their thing." Alex said. Marty sees small dogs in cute little tuxes and dresses. "Aw! Would you look at this? You gotta go back in your momma's belly, 'cause you're too cute to be out here in the real world." Marty said. The small dogs take out their weapons and talk in gruff voices. "Oi! Naff off, you muppet!" Freddie said, and Marty hides behind (Y/n). "Whoa! What the...?" He asked, and (Y/n) giggled again.

"Marty, they're professionals. Come on." Alex said. Marty sees three circus horses pass by. "Whoo! You look gorgeous!" He said. Marty walks over to the horses. Alex catches everyone's attention. "All right, animals! We may be your new owners, but we don't want to reinvent the circus wheel here, so just go out, do what you do!" Alex said. "Yeah, just think of this as a fun warm-up for that promoter in London. Right, Marty? Marty?" (Y/n) asked. She sees Marty putting on a circus horse headdress with the other horses.

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