The Performance

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In the emergency room, four beds were laid out for each of Dubois' men that were in full-body casts and on heart monitors. Dubois crashes through the doors on her scooter. "Attention! I have found our lions! They are hiding with the circus!" No one got out of their beds because of their conditions. Dubois shot down every light instead of the one she was under and creates a spotlight. She sings Non je ne regrette rien.

Rien de rien
Je ne regrette rien

The beds mysteriously rise as Dubois raises her arms.

DUBOIS: Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait
Ni le mal
Tout ça m'est bien égal

Dubois' men break out of their body casts.

Rien de rien

(Dubois shoots a dart at a button, allowing her to rise.)

Je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie
Car mes joies

Now free from their casts, except for one that was still in a face cast, their faces were covered in tears as Dubois was about to sing her last note.

DUBOIS: Ça commence avec toi

The last note caused the last cast to explode to show that the man was crying after hearing Dubois' voice. In the clearing, everyone was training for their new acts. "Come on, Maurice, give it to me!" Mort said. Marty walks up to Stefano who was on top of a cannon filled with dynamite. "More boom stick, Rico! I really want to fly!" Stefano said. "Are you really going to shoot yourself out of that thing?" Marty asked. "I've always dreamed of doing this, from time I was a little pup, to be a human cannonball! Except, you know... " he jumps into a cannon. "A sea lion cannonball." He said. "Is it dangerous?" Marty asked. "Is it dangerous? Yes, of course it's dangerous!" Rico shoves a stick of dynamite in Stefano's mouth. "Now, are you sure about this?" Marty asked. "I'm sure." Stefano said. "'Cause if blowing up is your thing, then you in the right place." Marty said. "Sì. That's means yes!" Stefano said.

"Ready for launch?" Skipper asked. "Ready for launch!" Rico coughs up a match and Kowalski lights it using Private's butt. "Fire in the hole!" As Kowalski lit the cannon, Stefano starts having second thoughts. "Wait!" It was too late as the cannon fired him above the target, onto a mountain. "Mamma mia! Help-a mia! Help me!" Marty heard Stefano and turns to the penguins, with Rico hugging a stick of dynamite. "Rico! Get the cannon ready! Same charge!" Marty said. Marty shoves himself in the cannon and Kowalski lit a match using Private's butt. "Fire in the hole!" They light the cannon and Marty is fired into the sky. Marty was freaking out at first, but as soon as he steadied himself, he saw that it wasn't so bad. In fact, he loved this new feeling. "Oh, oh! All right! Oh! Whoo! Yeah!" Marty said. He flew through the sky, in the clouds, he even flew through a rainbow. As he soared through the clouds, each outline he made was either his own, a heart, or a smiley face. Because of this, he gets distracted and slams into the mountain, landing above Stefano.

"Marty! I'm so glad you're here." Stefano said. "Whoo! I was flying! I was effin'-L-Y-in'!" Marty said. "I'm proud of you, but..." Stefano slips. "I don't think I can hold on much longer!" He shouted. "Oh, yeah, right. Sorry about my enthusiasm." He puts his hoof in a hole and drops the rope onto Stefano. "Here, wrap this around you." Stefano loops the rope around him and Marty slowly lowers him back down. "All right, I got you! I got you!" He said. "Forget about being part of the herd! I'm gonna be part of the flock! I'm going to fly, baby!" Marty runs down the rope cheering and leaping until he's on the ground. "Oh, yes!" Stefnao hugs Marty. "What a triumph!" He said. Meanwhile, the dancing dogs were fighting and trying to get the "circus" out of Freddie. "Hand over that circus, Freddie!" One of the dogs said. (Y/n) and Alex come in to stop them. "Hey, hey, put your weapons down. Come on, guys, chill out. Cute and cuddly's obviously not your thing." Alex sad. "He's got us pegged." Freddie gets punched.

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