Reunion with the penguins

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The gang wave goodbye to the penguins and chimps. "Okay, wind her up, boys! It's Monte Carlo or bust." Skipper said. "Struts." Skipper said. The lights flash red and green after Kowalski flips on the switches. "Check." Kowalski said. "Flaps." Skipper said. The gas rises higher. "Diamonds and gold." Mason and Phil inspect the diamonds and gold. "Check!" The plane takes off. "We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple of weeks." Skipper said. "Bye." The other animals said. "Or whenever the gold runs out." Skipper said. "Buh-bye!" Marty said. "Bye." Melman said. "All right! We'll be waiting for ya!" Alex shouted. "Have fun!" (Y/n) shouted. "Just kidding! We're never coming back!" Skipper shouted. "Sorry. What was that?" Alex asked. "Initiate warp drive." The plane goes into warp drive Alex is left alone. "Did they just say they were never coming back? Guys?" He looks around and notices he's standing in the middle of a gray area. "Marty? (Y/n)?" Alex asked. Old Marty is on the treadmill. "Oh goody, you're here." He said. Alex screams in surprise.

Old Marty shoves grass in Alex's mouth. "Why don't you just chew on this? I'm hungry." Old Marty chews as the treadmill under Alex's feet and gets longer and falls through a door, landing on Old Melman's leg. "Owwwwww! Ah, I'm just messing with you. I lost all feeling in this thing years ago." Old Melman taps his leg with his cane, laughs, and then snores. "Melman? Why do you look like that?" Alex asked. Old Gloria plants her walker on Alex's hand. "Ooh, look who's talking." She said. "Gloria? Why are you guys so... elderly?" Alex asked. Then an older version of (Y/n) approached him. "(Y/N)?!" He asked in shock. "Now, when was the last time you looked in a mirror?" She asked. "What?" He asked.

"Hmm?" (Y/n) asked. Alex turns around, looks in a mirror, and sees an old version of himself. "No!" Half of Old Alex's body comes out and shakes him. "Wake up, Wake up!" In reality, it was only (Y/n) trying to wake him up. "Alex! Alex!" She shouted. "Ally-Al, Wake up!" Marty shouted. "Marty! (Y/n)!" Alex gasps. "Oh, guys, it was horrible." He said. "That same nightmare again, huh?" (Y/n) teased playfully. "We were stuck here in Africa, and we were all super-old and wrinkly... Well, I aged well, but the rest of you looked terrible!" He shouted. "Relax, Alex. 'Cause we got a surprise for you!" Marty said. Alex gasps. "Is it the Penguins?" He grabs binoculars and looks through them. "Have they come to take us home?" He asked hopefully. "Nope. But it's the next best thing." (Y/n) said. He sighs. "Another day bites the dust..." Alex draws a mark with chalk on a board.

"Come on, now!" Marty grabs Alex. (Y/n) and Marty walk Alex up a hill while Marty covers his eyes. "Watch it. Watch yourself. Small divots!" Alex trips over the divot. "Oof!" "Sorry, little incline there. Back, up this hill." Alex falls to the ground. "Ow!" He hits his head on a branch. "A low-hanging branch, then just over this bluff, and voilà!" Marty lets go of Alex, making him tumble down the hill. "Happy birthday, Alex!" (Y/n) said. Alex gets up in awe. "Whoa..." he sees a mud model of New York City. "Wow! New York City. Melman and Gloria are next to the model; Melman is lying down with his neck straightened out like a bridge and Gloria is posing like the Statue of Liberty. "Surprise!" They shouted. "Gloria! You're the Statue of Liberty!" Alex said. "Bring me your huddled masses, baby!" She replied. "And, Melman, you're the Brooklyn Bridge!" Alex said. "Actually, I'm the Triborough Bridge." He replied, and (Y/n) giggled. "Wow! You guys made this?" Alex asked. "Yeah. From memory! From crazy, obsessive memory." (Y/n) said. Alex runs over the model laughing. "Hey! Fifth Avenue... with no traffic! There's Times Square, with its modern-day corporate lack of character. Nine Duane Reades on the same street!"

He sees a model of the Central Park Zoo. "And the zoo. Wow, our home." He spots models of himself and his friends "Look! There's a little me. And little all of us-es!" Alex sobs and blows his nose on his paws. "You guys. You've both made and ruined my day." He said. Gloria sniffles and holds out a cake. Alex ponders on his wish, then blows out the candle. King Julien, Maurice, and Mort pop out. "Ta-da! Your wish has come true!" King Julien said. "I doubt it." (Y/n) said, and Alex snickers. "Oh yay!" Mort's stomach grumbles. "My tummy is speaking to me!" Pink foam cake comes out of Mort's mouth, and everyone groans in disgust. "Oh, gross!" (Y/n) said. "Uh... I wouldn't eat that side of the cake if I were you." King Julien said. "I wouldn't eat the cake in general." (Y/n) said.

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