This World Will Remember Me

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James McKenna had woken up in a lot of weird places over the years; on a rooftop, in cave, and one time in the washing machine of a house she had never been in before (don't ask how she got herself into that situation), but she had never woken up on a park bench before. James blinked at the annoyingly bright sunlight peeking down at her through the shade of the trees hanging over her and groaned as she sat up.

"Ugh, my fucking head. How much benadryl and vodka did I take last night?", James asked herself as she ran a hand through her long black hair. Her fiery golden eyes surveyed her surroundings suspiciously.

"Where the heckyll and hyde am I?", James asked herself. She was most definitely not in any local park near her small North Carolina town, that was for sure. The park she was in looked odd to her for some reason. It looked too... urban. The girl looked above the trees in the park and saw the tall buildings surrounding her. James blinked at the sight in bewilderment.

"Welp, I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore. They don't have any buildings like that back home.", James said to herself, and she was right. Her eyes widened as the reality of her situation started to sink in. She was alone in a strange place, and she had no idea whether or not she had the resources to take care of herself or get home. She was about to start panicking when something blew in out of nowhere on an afternoon breeze and ended up colliding with her face.

"ACK!", James exclaimed as she grabbed for the offending object that was covering her eyes. When she got it off, she realized it was a flier. At first, she was going to just crumple it up and throw it away with a few annoyed curses as a farewell, but the familiar images on the piece of paper caught her attention.

'Wait... Aren't those the Egyptian God Cards? Like, the ones from Yugioh?', James thought curiously.

The God Cards were well known to her. James had played Duel Monsters since she was seven, after she had started watching the original Yugioh anime on TV. She had been fascinated by the dramatic duels and interesting characters. James had quickly become good at dueling, and had made it her mission to collect all the coolest cards and decks from the moment she started playing. Currently, she had a copy of each God Card, and specialized decks for all her favorite characters and card types. The flier in her hand was an advertisement for something. The words on it, surrounded by the colorful images of the infamous Egyptian God Cards, read as follows;

Come test your skills at the Duel Academy entrance exam, and become the next top duelist of tomorrow!

Exams start at nine am on August thirtieth at the Kaiba Dome.

James stared at the paper with a shocked expression.

'This can't be real. This has to be a joke. Someone found out I'm into Yugioh and decided to punk me. Yeah, that's it. Though, I doubt anyone I know would go through the trouble of kidnapping me and taking me to an unknown city just for some joke... ', James thought in disbelief. She read the words on the flier again and again, until they finally sunk in and she started to believe that maybe, just maybe, the flier wasn't fake.

'Okay.', James started to think as she took a deep breath and sat the flier down beside her. She needed to remain calm. Freaking out wouldn't do her any good.

'So I may or may not have been isekai'ed into Yugioh-no, Yugioh GX. Duel Academy is only a big thing in Yugioh GX. If that's true... then this will be a very fun experience.', James thought carefully as a grin slowly crept onto her face.

Because really, of all the worlds she could have been isekai'ed to, Yugioh GX had to be the jackpot of all anime worlds. It had modern technology (mostly, since they anime took place in 2005), it had no life threatening danger (the Shadow Realm didn't count because going there didn't kill you and it was about as scary as a dark closet to James), and it was a place where she could kick back and make a career out of playing the game she loved while trying to seduce all the attractive guys (Chazz Princeton had been one of her first crushes and to this day, James would still date him post redemption arc. His haircut notwithstanding). James was basically in her dream world! And she wouldn't even have to worry about getting a place to live if she got into Duel Academy like the universe was clearly directing her to do! James cackled loudly enough to make passing pedestrians look at her strangely.

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