Cyrus Tries to Get Laid (And Fails Miserably)

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The night of their interrupted date, James explained to Chazz who she really was and where she was from. She told him everything; that she was from another world, that she was from the future, that he was an anime character in her world, that she knew the future, everything. Chazz had taken it about as well as she had expected; had taken a few moments to try and process it all and then nearly had a panic attack. But once that was over, he hadn't been all that off-put by James's reveal. He was still freaked out about a lot off things, but he still cared about James, and that was the most important thing to her.

"So what if you're from a different world where this world is an anime? That's not a bad thing. If anything, it's awesome as hell. You know the future and have access to all these rare cards no one even knows exists. That's pretty freaking cool if you ask me.", Chazz had said as they both laid on the forest floor together, cuddled up together after a lot of eating and explaining. James had kissed him for that.

More days passed. People still wouldn't challenge James to duels, still very intimidated by her reputation. She and Bastion made even more breakthroughs in their work and became thick as thieves. Slifer would occasionally show up like a stray cat to bother James, but over all nothing much changed from the first few weeks of school. That was, until something happened during Crowler's asscrack-of-dawn morning class.

" -And that's the story of the one time I beat up a guy with a sock full of frozen butter behind a Walgreens.", James said, finishing her story as she took her seat.

Everyone in Crowler's class was looking at her in bewilderment, disgust, fear, or a mix of all three because of the bizarre story she just told. The only exceptions were Chazz and Bastion, who were sitting on either side of her. Bastion looked neutral, because he was used to hearing bullshit such as this from the girl that had steadily become his best friend during his time at Duel Academy, and Chazz was staring at her with a lovesick expression and his chin resting in his palm. He didn't care what James was saying, too in love with her to be weirded out. She could say she had orchestrated nine eleven and he wouldn't give a damn. Crowler, who was standing at the front of the class, smiled at James creepily.

"Thank you James for that... inspiring speech. But that really had nothing to do with what I asked you about field spells!", Crowler started to say with fake cheerfulness, only to scowl and yell out his last sentence angrily. James scoffed at Crowler's anger and manspreaded on her seat.

"And? Your question was stupid! 'Miss McKenna, what is a field spell?', bitch we already know what a field spell is! Do you think that we all would have passed the entrance exam if we didn't?!", James refuted, and Crowler stiffened when he realized the girl was right there were murmurs of agreement throughout the classroom, and Bastion began to look thoroughly done with Crowler's BS.

"Did I seriously leave my home to come live on an island with an active volcano on it in the middle of nowhere just to be taught things I already know?", Bastion grumbled dryly. James gave him a look that matched his own.

"What's even worse, did we seriously come and live on an island where a shit ton of students went missing last year without a trace, just to learn how to play a children's card game almost everyone in the world already knows how to play?", James asked, but before she and Bastion could get too introspective, Crowler interrupted their musings.

"That story still wasn't necessary!", Crowler insisted indignantly. James gave him a hard glare.

"Well excuse me for being open!", she yelled back. Then someone else spoke.

"Yeah, you were open last night bitch!", some random asshole yelled. James froze and immediately went from being mildly annoyed to being livid. She hated being catcalled more than anything. No one did it to her in her hometown because the people there knew she would beat their asses if they did, but apparently the people of Duel Academy would need that same sentiment beaten into them.

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