Zane Gets out of the Friend Zone and James Throws a Party

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"I can't believe I lost... ", Alexis trailed off sadly as she slumped to the ground just as her life points hit zero. James, who was still standing, raised her eyebrow at her defeated opponent.

"I don't think it's that surprising that you lost. You knew I was skilled from the exam and Zane. You should have known this would happen.", James said, being her usual smartass self. Alexis glared up at her.

"It's surprising because you beat me using a freaking Mokey Mokey deck!", Alexis exclaimed. James blinked in realization.

"Oh yeah. In my defense, I wasn't planning on using that deck against you. I grabbed it on accident.", James explained, thinking that the reason Alexis was upset was because she was beaten by a bunch of low level monsters. Unfortunately for her, that wasn't the case. She was mad because James had beaten her so easily. The fact that she had done it using low level monsters just added onto that.

"ON ACCIDENT?!", Alexis roared in disbelief. James nodded.

"Yep. Well, if that's all, I believe I'll be taking my leave. Let's not do this again sometime. Oh and FYI Cyrus, if you get caught breaking into the girl's dorm again, I don't care what promise I made to your brother, I'm not coming to save your ass no matter how much you beg and plead. I should not have to duel someone at three am just to help you get out of a situation you got yourself into through sheer stupidity.", James said sternly. Cyrus, who was still tied up (but thankfully not being sat on by Mindy anymore), looked at James in surprise.

"Wait, so you didn't come to save me because you secretly care about me in a less than platonic way?", the light blue haired boy asked. James gave him a dry look.

"No. We already had this conversation, moron. I came to save you because your brother is my friend and he made me promise I would keep you from getting hurt because of stupid shit like this. Also because I still owe you for warning me and Chazz about Crowler.", James told him, and Cyrus began to sulk.

"Why does Zane always get to be friends with the hot girls... ?", Cyrus grumbled, but James paid him no mind.

"Like I said earlier, if that's all, I'll be taking my leave. Oh and Mindy, take your victims-sorry, dates further out into the forest next time you wanna spread STD's. I could hear you both last night and let me tell you, it was not pleasant.", James requested casually. Mindy went red in the face from embarrassment and anger.

"You-you- !", the girl stammered, but James was already walking away. She gave the group a two fingered mock salute.

"I trust you to hold up your end of the bargain and release Cyrus, Alexis. Until next time ladies.", James said calmly, and then with a whistling breeze, she was gone.


"So let me get this straight. My brother decided to do the exact thing we laughed at and said he would never do last night because he thought you sent him a love letter that was actually a ploy from Crowler to get you expelled, and in the process of saving Cyrus's stupid ass from the hostage situation Alexis was running for god knows what reason, you had to duel Alexis with a Mokey Mokey deck and won?", Zane summarized as he pinched the bridge of his nose. It was the morning after the incident with Cyrus, and it was Saturday, so James and Chazz were in Zane's room hanging out. James nodded absentmindedly as she flicked through the channels on Zane's TV, her head resting in Chazz's lap.

"Yep. You would think that Slifer slacker brother of yours would know how not to get caught sneaking around. I mean, James is constantly sneaking into my room without getting caught, and I'm constantly sneaking into hers. It's not that hard.", Chazz commented. James nodded in agreement.

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