1. Call of hate

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Alarion was late to class that day.

He never really understood the concept of school, but he only ever went there for Harry--his best friend, and the one he cherishes the most, and he was desperately hoping that Harry would be his mate, if he ever had one.

He would find out in two days.

Alarion stood at the threshold of the class, scanning for Harry, who, to his surprise, was seated next to Brandon--Alarion's co-captain and a human.

"Mister Yari, care to take a seat?" Ms. Powell stated, looking at Alarion still standing.

There were a pair of empty seats in the middle of the class and Alarion bedrudgingly took it.

Harry grinned at him and waved but Alarion only rolled his eyes and nodded.

So much for coming to school.

He thought, and decided to sleep, propping up a sleep barrier, but he was interrupted by someone coming to class later than him.

"Class starts at nine Mister Moha," Ms. Powell chided, pausing her class.

"Sorry miss," Avyugh Moha apologized and scanned the class for an empty seat, and was heavily disappointed when he found only one and that too beside Alarion.

Avyugh sighed.

"You can sit beside Alarion and stop interrupting my class," Ms. Powell suggested.

Avyugh made a noise at the back of his throat, that seemingly conveyed how displeased he was at that idea. So he marched towards Brandon, his best friend and looked at Harry.

"Switch with me." He stated, looking at Harry.

Alarion turned around with a glare.

"Yes, switch with him Harry," there was an edge to his voice.

Harry was about to stand up but was pulled down by Brandon, as he narrowed his eyes at two of his friends.

"It's time you sorted out your bullshit, Harry's not moving anywhere," he glanced at Avyugh and Alarion.

"Fuck you," Avyugh gritted.

"Just sit down Mister Moha," Ms. Powell spoke with an exasperated sigh.

"Over my dead body," Alarion muttered and stood up.

He looked around for a possible candidate who would switch seats and spotted Jordan, his cricket teammate, who rolled his eyes. "You owe me." Alarion stated.

Which was true, since Alarion had given him a ride home when Jordan's vehicle broke down.

"Faster, Jordan," Avyugh chided.

"Yes, faster Jordan, all of you are wasting my time," Ms. Powell shook her head. "What is even the deal between you two?" She pointed at Alarion and Avyugh.

"He's a jerk."

"He's an asshole."

They exclaimed unanimously.

Ms. Powell raised her brows.

"Jordan, you stay right where you are. You two can either sit down or continue to fail my class like you've done this entire semester." She declared.

Alarion sat down with a groan. Avyugh pulled the chair beside him to the extreme end of the desk and sat down.

Ms. Powell continued her class.

Alarion glanced to the side and looked at Avyugh, desperately trying to understand what she was saying, tapping his legs, making the desk shake.

"Your leg," Alarion spoke first.

Avyugh snapped his head to the side. "What?"

"Stop tapping your fucking leg," Alarion snapped.

"Fuck off," Avyugh replied, continuing to tap his leg.

"I swear if you don't stop tapping your leg I'm-"

"What punch me? I'd like to see you do it properly at least once," Avyugh turning his body towards Alarion.

Alarion threw the first punch. Avyugh threw the next.

"Both of you! To the principal's office! Now!"


Alarion was a vampire. Vampires had supernatural strength. Alarion managed to control his strength to have a fair fight, but Avyugh still had a bruised jaw, and Alarion, a busted lip.

They sat together in the principal's office, and Avyugh continued tapping his leg.

Alarion had had enough.

He pressed down his left hand into Avyugh's right knee, effectively stopping the tapping.

Avyugh removed his hand from his knee but stopped his tapping.

"Physical violence is something that this school does not tolerate," the principal stated.

He was a tall, middle-aged man, who could really pull off being a principal.

"I've been forced to call your parents, and they've been waiting right outside."

Avyugh's face visibly paled and the tapping resumed.

Alarion had noticed.

"Your rivalry is slowly becoming this school's biggest concern." The principal stated, crossing his fingers as he leaned forward in his chair, facing the boys. "Both of you have gone too far this time, and both of you are suspended for a week."

"But I have my cricket match I ha-"

"You. Are Suspended." The principal stressed each word. "Mo matches and no magazine shoots in school."

Avyugh shook his head. "Not the shoo-"

"Out. Both of you."

Avyugh clenched his fist and stood up, followed by a furious Alarion.

"This is all your fault." Alarion gritted his teeth, walking behind Avyugh.

Avyugh whipped his head around and glared at Alarion. "You threw the first punch! What did you want me to do? Sit there like a doll?"

"You couldn't do that even if you tried." Alarion smiled sarcastically. "You cost me my first match of the season."

"You cost me my photo shoot. The deadline is in two days."

"You can shoot the fucking photo elsewhere." Alarion raised his brows. "Whereas that match cannot be played elsewhere other than that field."

Avyugh closed his eyes in irritation. "If you'd actually paid attention in class, you'd know that it should be shot in the school."

Avyugh had had enough of this. That photo shoot was going to be his big break. A big opportunity to convince his father to let him pursue his passion, since Avyugh was not privileged like Alarion.

"You, stay away from me." He gritted out. "I've lost enough because of you."

Alarion glared at Avyugh's retreating back and yelled.

"There's nothing I'd love more than that."

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