9. Attack on vampire

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Avyugh's shift was going to end in ten minutes at Lava's, and he kept an eye on the door, waiting for the ringing of the bells.

"You expecting someone?" Brandon, his co-worker, was wiping the brownie trays. "You keep glancing at the door."

Avyugh opened his mouth to reply when the bells jingled. He looked over expectantly, but it was only Harry. Harry had a thing for Brandon and hung around him whenever he got the chance. Brandon was a bit oblivious to it all, and he was Avyugh's only decent friend at school, so he didn't reveal anything to Brandon.

Avyugh rolled his eyes and moved away, removing his apron. "You've got company," he said in a sing-song voice.

Brandon moved aside, chatting with Harry.

After setting aside his apron Avyugh moved to look at himself in the mirror.

Even though, this 'date' was something he wasn't really up to, he still wanted to look his best, so he wore a cream shirt under a brown jacket paired with cream coloured pants. He would deny this, but Avyugh could pull off any outfit and make it make sense.

He fished out a camera from his station and sat down on one of the tables, taking pictures of the bakery.

The setting of the bakery was cozy, with dimmed yellow lights and fairy lights around the pastries.

Lava's was the only bakery in town that sold hand-made goods, unlike the other bakeries that used bots and artificial flavours. Lava's was old style and almost everything there tasted good, so they always had a collective set of customers.

Avyugh moved his camera around, taking pictures.

"Guys," he called out, catching the attention of Brandon and Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and continued chatting away, while Brandon was posing.

Avyugh aimed the camera at the entrance of the cafe right when the bells jingled.

Alarion walked inside the bakery and posed for the picture, grinning with his hands in his pocket. Avyugh clicked the button, instinctively taking a picture. The vampire looked good as always.

"Taking a picture to make it last longer?" Alarion asked cockily, sitting down in front of Avyugh.

"Just how delusional are you?" Avyugh. rolled his eyes, setting his camera on the table.

"You clicked the picture, curly." Alarion flashed him a smile.

Avyugh curled his lip at the nickname.

"Rion?" Harry walked over. "What are you doing here?"

Alarion looked back, surprised to see Harry, but he wasn't so surprised when Brandon waved at him. The vampire nodded in acknowledgement.

"Guess I'm not the only one on a date." The vampire raised his brows.

Avyugh scowled. "This is not a da-"

"Ah ah ah." Alarion warned. "You agreed."

The vampire really seemed to enjoy teasing Avyugh and pull his leg. One would say that he even liked the attention, but he'd never admit it.

"You're on a date?" Harry frowned.

The bakery bells on the door jingled once again and entered Pierre, Kenji, the twins and Klyden.

"Not too bad," Kenji commented looking around.

"So good!" Pierre moaned, holding a half-eaten brownie he seemed to have grabbed from the samples tray.

"We literally just got here and you're already inhaling sweet." Trey shook his head and made a motion of shaking his head pitifully.

"Fuh off," Pierre flipped him off showing him the finger.

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