44. All the looks and look-aways

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"Are you feeling better now?" Avyugh asked, smoothening down his brother's hair as he came to sit down beside him on the backyard steps of the palace.

Maahi nodded, leaning on his brother lazily, sipping a juice box.

It was blood of course. Alarion had given it in a juice box.

Avyugh looked around and saw many people and children playing around. It was a huge land, it could accommodate an entire locality. Avyugh felt a familiar ache as he looked around. His head was throbbing.

Alarion had invited the brothers in the name of a check-up in the clinic for Maahi.

The vampire seemed to be playing his cards right.

"I'm going to play some more," Maahi sat up with a jump and stood up.

He had made new friends his age at the palace--supernatural friends. He seemed to enjoy their company much more than his other human friends.

"Okay, but don't tire yourself out!" Avyugh called out as Maahi took off running.

Alarion had come to sit beside his mate, appearing from nowhere and this seemed to startle Avyugh, and he scowled at the vampire. "You keep doing that."

Alarion chuckled, nudging his mate's shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Avyugh grumbled and continued watching ahead.

Alarion watched his mate.

"You're staring," Avyugh commented, not taking his eyes off the scenery ahead.

"Well, you are pretty, so," Alarion shrugged.

Avyugh's face flushed and the vampire felt a familiar fondness set over him. His fingers twitched to hold his mate, but he kept himself on a tight leash.

"You didn't think that in high school, you punched my pretty face," Avyugh joked, shoving Alarion's shoulder with his.

"Well, I'm sorry for punching you," Alarion grimaced, until he smirked. "Maybe I can kiss it better now."

Avyugh coughed, the red in his cheeks spreading through his entire face. Alarion seemed to be having fun, riling up his mate. One part of him felt guilty whereas the other part of him thought that he did the right thing by making his mate forget.

When he asked Kenji about the memories returning, the latter simply said that Avyugh will remember only if he really believes it all happened, and that it could very well be a dream to him.

"You flirt a lot," Avyugh muttered, keeping his eyes anywhere else but at the vampire.

"Does that bother you?" Alarion was praying for an answer that was positive.

"No," Avyugh mumbled, frowning. "It all feels so familiar. Like some kind of deja vu."

Alarion's heart was beating fast then.

"What? How?"

"I know, it's weird right?" Avyugh glanced up at Alarion with a small smile and looked down at his hands, deep in thought, and absentmindedly twisted the ring on his finger.

"I don't think it's weird," Alarion murmured, looking at his mate with a smile. "Don't think too much about it."

Alarion didn't care whether his mate remembered now, or ever, because all he wanted now was to stay close to him because they've been apart for far too long. He only wanted to bring his mate some peace and comfort, and other things if he was allowed.

"There's a party tonight, here, I want you to come," Alarion stated, looking at his mate.

Avyugh looked up with an amused smile. "Party?"

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