37. Decisions

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Warning ⚠️: This chapter contains violence. Do not read if you're uncomfortable.

When Alarion reached the lock up, he was met with a crowd outside, and Lyris looked down with a solemn look, holding Maahi's hands.

Alarion knew something was wrong as he came to a halt near his father and removed his mask.

"Dad? What ha-"

He stopped himself from asking a question he could see the answer to.

The lock up was broken into.

Several people were injured, and none of them killed, but he couldn't find his mate anywhere. He looked thoroughly thrice like a madman, but Avyugh was not in there.

"Rio," Lyris tried to pull his son back.

Alarion was at his limit.

Maahi was crying silently, and Viridian picked him up, joining his family outside the lock up and spoke up.

"We'll give them a wa-"

"A warning? A warning for what? For leaving us alone? And they'll listen?" Alarion seethed, narrowing his eyes at his parents. "My mate is gone! Again! They have him! Again! He is not safe anywhere! Not even at my own home! And I'm supposed to sit back and write fucking warnings? Present it to the council? And let them do heaven knows what to my mate?"

Alarion's eyes were blurring with tears as he looked at everyone with a glare and walked over angrily to his jet and strapped himself in.

Alarion was never upset.

He didn't get angry.

Even as a child, he didn't care enough about anything to seethe about it. His parents were royals, he was a royal, he had everything he wanted, so there was never any reason for him to be angry.

But now, there was.

His mate was taken away from him.

Alarion's entire body shook with rage. He was not thinking straight, he knew it, and he still didn't give a damn.

The last time this happened, his mate had died and come back to life.

He was furious.

He flew quickly caught up with the enemy herd and wasted no time in raining bullets on them. To his surprise, he noticed a familiar looking jet behind him. It was Kenji.

Alarion hadn't expected Kenji of all people to help him inflict pain on other, but the witch was dropping smoke bombs, and nodded at Alarion.

Soon, the rest of Squad Z joined them in their respective jets. Everything was burning. Alarion zoomed down, trying to look for his mate, and he found him, being carried into the woods by a hundred soldiers, armed and ready, in a big military vehicle.

Alarion didn't care about anything except his mate.

He pointed his flaps at them, and shot at the vehicle's tyres.

The van soon gave out and fell over. Alarion flew near the ground and jumped from his jet, landing near his mate inside the vehicle.

His first priority was his mate.

He trusted his friends to take care of the hunters and soldiers who were trying to ambush him, and walked inside the vehicle, only to find his mate, stabbed and punched, and held at gun point.

"Move any closer, and I'll kill him!" One of the soldiers held a gun to Avyugh's head, holding him hostage in front of him. The man's hands were shaking.

"I got him," came Pierre's voice and a bullet sunk between the soldier's eyes as he fell to the ground.

Alarion wasted no time in going to his mate and caught him before he fell, and removed his mask and threw it away.

"Hey, baby, look at me," Alarion pleaded to no avail, tenderly holding his mate.

Avyugh was unconscious.


Kenji rushed forward, and knelt on the floor of the van, applying pressure to Avyugh's wounds.

"Get more witches here!" Alarion yelled, his eyes red with anger.

"On it!" Klyden replied and within seconds, bunch of witches and supernatural medics surrounded the van and Avyugh was laid on a makeshift stretcher as the witches did their job.

"Sir, you need to step aside," one of the medics tried to tell Alarion who just glared at her.

"Dude, come on, they can't do their job if you keep glaring at them, they're just trying to help you," Klyden pulled Alarion away and forced him to sit on a makeshift wooden chair stretcher.

Harshye was at the scene with his friends. They were collecting hostages from the attack.

Alarion and Harshye stared at each other wordlessly, like they were communicating telepathically. Harshye then nodded, as if understanding what Alarion wanted and quickly walked away.

Alarion's fists were clenched as he summoned all his patience and for his mate to get well. He was holding the stretcher's handle so hard that he broke it.

All of his friends walked on eggshells around him.

Half an hour later, the medics and the witches moved away.

"He's stable for now," the senior most medic announced. "But he'll have to be under observation. He had multiple wounds, and has seemed to sustained injuries on the head. Absolutely, and I mean absolutely no one," the medic looked at Alarion with a pointed look. "Is allowed near him for the next twenty-four hours. He needs to be cleaned, and hooked up to the tubes. Magic can only do so much, and since he's human, he'll recover at a much slower pace."

Alarion watched as his mate was taken away in a stretcher.

Squad Z stood around, waiting patiently for the vampire to say something.

"Kenji," Alarion stated.

What he was about to say was so difficult for him to say, but he had to do it. For the sake of his mate. He was going to be reckless. As long as Avyugh was safe, nothing mattered. He stared ahead at the mountains. The sun was rising.

He then looked down at his hands, and around him. A number of dead bodies lay on the ground.

Alarion looked like he just about had enough.

His mate had been injured twice on his watch now. He needed to step up. He needed to do things that would ensure his mate's safety.

He still heard what his mate said to him as he left him in the lock up.

I want to be with you.

He stood up and looked at Kenji straight in the eyes and spoke.

"Make him forget."

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