36. Massacres

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Warning⚠️: This chapter contains violence, do not read if you are uncomfortable with it.

Alarion was quick.

He gently pushed Avyugh and Maahi towards the safe door alongside pregnant women and children.

"No! Rion! Let me outside!" Avyugh yelled. "I want to be with you! Rion!"

Avyugh banged his fists on the metal door.

Alarion clenched his jaw and turned around, joining his friends to wear the uniform. This time, the kingdom's weapons were working fine. They jacked up and repaired all the ammunition.

Advanced cannons were installed in the roof of every house and building around the kingdom, and they were tampered with last time, but this time, they were firing non-stop at the multiple jets and drones that we're dropping bombs, destroying them on sight. Since these were advanced cannons, they were programmed to target only the enemy drones and jets.

Miles was strapping a bunch of grenades to his uniform and Klyden picked up with smoke bombs. The boys were ready to head into the attack.

"Masks," Alarion ordered, and the boys all wore their gas masks.

"I'll go on the jet with you," Kenji stepped forward.

"We'll handle the ground," Pierre nodded with a steely gaze.

"Alright boys, let's give them hell." Alarion narrowed his eyes.

He got on his jet with Kenji behind him.

They noticed people climbing over the trench on the border of the kingdom. They had brought a few witches as well as some hunters. Alarion then noticed Harshye and his clan splitting up, neutralizing the attacks of the witches.

A number of soldiers of the kingdom were also battling on the ground with their uniforms on.

"Rion! To your right!" Kenji alerted.

Alarion went closer to the enemy jet to their right side and opened the firing panel of the inner flaps. The jet on their right veered down to dodge the attack but Alarion was quick. He waved at the fighter jet with a smirk as he rained down the bullets on it and watched the jet fall down with a satisfying smirk.

Kenji sat behind him and used his magic to combust the jets.

These boys weren't leaving the enemy with injuries.

They were full on killing them.

The ground squad, Klyden, Pierre, Miles and Trey, were piercing bullets straight through the hunters' head, right between their eyes. They were not backing down this time.

Alarion noticed an enemy jet about to crash into the palace buildings that housed people.

"Fuck! Too fast!" Kenji clutched his vest at the rate of speed in which Alarion was flying the jet.

"Sorry, but this is absolutely necessary," Alarion flipped over the plane and veered right, stopping right behind the jet in a second, just as it was about to crash, and fired the bullets from the flaps.

Kenji saw it all unfold in slow motion.

The enemy jet had burst into flames and Alarion moved away just in time.

A few witches from the kingdom were working on the barrier and so far, Alarion and Kenji were flying inside of it, and seeing as there were no more enemy jets, Alarion flew up.

"We're going outside the barrier now," Alarion informed.

It was two in the morning but Alarion could still hear the sounds. The hunters were trying to break free through the barrier and the enemy witches were using spells to break the barrier.

Alarion's eyes widened when he saw the number of hunters and witches cramming up the wall of the barrier.

"Holy shit," Kenji mused.

There were at least a million people trying to break down the barrier.

The only jet that was flying outside the barrier was Alarion's.

He hovered over the crowd, contemplating whether to switch to bullets.

"Dude," Kenji whispered, looking at the vampire warily, wondering if he'd press the switch on so many people.

Some hunters even set the nearby trees on fire, trying to burn down the barrier.

"An atomic bomb is going to be dropped on you in sixty seconds if you don't clear out now," Alarion spoke through the speaker loud and clear, his tone conveying a promise.

Twenty seconds remaining.

Some hunters scampered away whereas some stubbornly chose to remain.

Hunters were trying to shoot up at the jet.

"Uh oh, incoming!" Kenji yelled, using his magic to stop the crowd of on-coming enemy jets from crashing into them.

The hunters and witches looked up in fear as Alarion raised the flaps, aiming them towards the enemy jet.

Kenji watched as the bullets left their own jet once Alarion pushed the button. The enemy jets were being pulverized and burst up in flames. It didn't help them that the kingdom's jets were far more advanced.

Alarion just shot the bullets around in a silent rage, not stopping even for a second as he watched the enemy jet go up in flames.

"Rion! Stop! Rion! Alarion!" Kenji yelled, trying to get through to the vampire, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Kenji was almost out of energy so he couldn't use his magic to restrain his friend, since he needed the to defend themselves.

Kenji just watched his best friend seething in silence.

Once Alarion realized that no more enemy jets left to crush he turned the flaps down to the hunters and witches, some of who still didn't budge and were trying bring down the barrier around the kingdom. It was a figuratively huge barrier that covered acres and acres of land.

Kenji took it upon himself to warn them.

"Move away from the barrier! Now! Or you'll be shot!"

Kenji used what was left of his strength to restrain Alarion from pressing the button. It was like the vampire was in a trance.

"Dude, enough," Kenji murmured.

Alarion blinked.



He breathed slowly and looked down at the massacre. All the hunters and witches were running away. The radius of the barrier was quite big, so the other side of the barrier was also being attacked and Alarion flew over, pointing the flaps at them and shot at an empty spot.

The remaining hunters and witches scampered away.

Kenji breathed a sigh of relief as Alarion clutched the steering so hard that his knuckles turned white.

Kenji refrained from saying anything to the vampire as he was pretty upset at Alarion's display of rage as he killed the enemies without a second thought. Kenji tried to understand, but violence was never justified according to him, but they lived in a world where it was inevitable.

Alarion flew the jet until no more enemy jets were on the sky and flew into the barrier.

The attack was over.

For now.

Alarion was in a hurry to jet out of the jet as he felt suffocated by everything. He almost tore his uniform getting out.

He needed to see his mate.

He needed Avyugh.

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