Chapter 3

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( 25 July  time 5:10 a.m )

Doraemon's PoV
I woke up early in the morning did my daily morning routine . Last night dekisugi didn'nt tell me anything about what happened between him and his ex , he just started to tell me other things which I found really annoying.

After getting dressed for school I sat on my bed thinking about everything when I came to think about it I don't want Nobita to get hurt in any of this . Nobita's going to be hurt if he gets to know about Dekisugi's ex and the fact that everyone knows her except him .

I sighed and went to Nobita's room to wake him up . He was sleeping peacefully aww my baby brother. I started to shake him to wake him up , he hummed in response

Doraemon - wake up Nobita or else I am gonna

Without finishing my sentence I started to tickle him . He tried to escape but he couldn't and ended up laughing so hard that his stomach started to ache . He had tears in his eyes cause of laughing too much and I decided to stop the torture. He gets up and sit on his bed while pouting

Nobita - you are soo badd , I wouldn't talk to you .

Doraemon - ohhh really fine than don't talk to me

I said while pinching his cheeks and left the room to go downstairs. I wish mom and dad good morning and sit on the dining table and wait for Nobita to come downstairs soon .

He soon came downstairs we both had our breakfast and we went to school in our car , I drive the car and ofcourse I have a drving licence. All the way to school Nobita didn't talk to me .

When we reached school , we saw the others waiting for us . Nobita rushed towards them and started to complain to shizuka and suneo like a child . I went towards dekisugi and gian .

Doraemon - good morning

Both - good morning

Gian - what did you do now ? You know right Shizuka's not going to leave you this time

Doraemon - yeah yeah , I just tickle him to wake him up in the morning .

Shizuka+ suneo - Doraemon! That's a bad thing to do to this poor baby boy of ours !

Here we go again , shizuka and suneo are Nobita's bestfriend ,so whenever Nobita complains about me and the others to them then get ready to listen a lecture of 2 3 pages but to me and the others they didn't say anything . As everyone knows Nobita and we just jokingly do these things and Nobita loves to get pampered by them a lot so that's why complaining about me is a bit of a habit of him .

Nobita stick his tongue out at me I just laugh at his silliness. We started to walk inside the class , shizuka and suneo are insane class while me , dekisugi and gian are in same but Nobita is in different class than us we have heard he has many friends in his class .

We bid our goodbyes and goes to our classes . In class , Me and gian were talking about Dekisugi's ex and dekisugi didn't like it so he just sit on his seat with headphones . Soon , the teacher enters the class and started to teach.

Time skip
Lunch time
Nobita's PoV
I put my books in my bag and saw one the student still sitting there . He is a new student, his name is Luka . He looks good that half of the girls in my class fell in love with him in first sight .

Nobita - hey Luka !

Luka - huh !? Yeah

Nobita - why are sitting here all alone ? It's lunch time let's go to canteen and have lunch

Luka - I don't have any friends and I am not even feeling hungry so that's why I am sitting here

Nobita - come on Luka ! We can be friends and you can have lunch with me and my friends let's go

Luka - are you sure ? Your friends wouldn't mind !?

Nobita - ofcourse Luka they all are so nice let's go

Luka nodded his head and packed his bag . We started to goes towards canteen, on our way way to canteen we were talking . Luka is really very nice person . I like him as a friend .

Nobita - wait

We both stopped in mid way and I looked at him

Luka - what !?

Nobita - we had been talking and I didn't even introduce myself

Luka - lol , yeah I have been talking to stranger oh my god !!

Nobita - hello , nice to meet you Luka . My name is Nobi Nobita !

Luka - nice to meet you too Nobita

They both shook their hands and than brust out laughing. They both reached canteen , Nobita spotted the group sitting in the corner . He grabbed Luka's hand and dragged him towards them .

Nobita - Hey guys !

Doraemon - Nobita where were you !? We all have been worried sick for you

Nobita - sorry oni-san but meet Luka , Luka he is my older brother Doraemon, suneo and shizuka my bestfriend , this gian and dekisugi.

He said while pointing at each of them. Luka bowed and greeted them properly while the others were staring at him .

Nobita - he is a new student. he doesn't have many friends so starting from today he is going to have lunch with us

The others nodded and smiled at Luka .

Luka You guys will get to know more about him in the story !

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You guys will get to know more about him in the story !

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