chapter 5

697 38 3

( 25 July 3:30 pm )

Everyone stated to get inside their cars and drove off to their houses. After taking shower and getting dressed up everyone left their houses while Nobita decided to take his afternoon nap . The group has the meeting at the same abandoned building.

Shizuka - so what's this meeting about ?

She asked in a boring tone , suneo looked at her and then get back to his laptop.

Doraemon - so this meeting is about the case I was thinking that we should finish this case as soon as possible and then we can take a break

Everyone looked at him in so much delight cause they have been dying to get a break from this work .

Suneo - look guys we already know that Miu and Frank are in Japan . I tried to get their information and my mens are already tailing them so I got to know that they are in Osaka

Gian - I don't even know why they are back from L.A I mean that they were living a pretty good life there .

Suneo - And I got to know that between these years Frank and Miu didn't talk to each other. I don't know why they all of a sudden came here and started to talk to each other

Dekisugi - I guess some of us should go to Osaka and catch them .

Doraemon - we are going to take them under our custody and we are not informing the police about it for the mean time .

Dekisugi - I guess you really like to get scolding from your dear officer right

He said while teasing him while the others laughed at it . They all know their best friend and so called leader is in love with officer Rou .

Shizuka - then who's going to Osaka ?

Doraemon - me , gian and dekisugi

Shizuka - do you think they are involved in some illegal business

Suneo - don't know but Frank have a connection with the Mafias and all so I don't know although my men didn't notice any suspicious activity .

Gian - when are we leaving for Osaka and what if suddenly the police notice our absence what are we going to tell them ?

Dekisugi - simple we will tell them that we had gone to Osaka for some research related to the case .

Doraemon - about leaving? First we have to get permission from our mom's which is hard thing to do 

The others only nodded as they know It will be hard to convince their mom but they can do it . When Doraemon said the meeting is over shizuka was the first one to go from there everyone looked at her in suprise . Suneo cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention

Suneo - so guys the things is that shizuka got paired up with Naomi for some school assignment and they decided to meet up at a cafe

Gian - Naomi you mean the girl she had been crushing on since the day she saw her .

Suneo nodded his head while Doraemon laughed looking how eagerly shizuka was waiting to meet Naomi .

Doraemon - poor me in our friends group everyone gets to see their crushes everyday except me

He said while pouting, Suneo laughed at Doraemon cause it's very rare to see Doraemon acting cutely while dekisugi and gian cringed at the sight cause cute things never suit these three .

Suneo - why can't you just confess ? 

Doraemon - did you confess to your crush ? What about you gian Did you confess ?

The both of them blushed and looked away but soon they realised what Doraemon said. 'Does he have a crush on someone' this the thought both of them had . And their blushing face was gone and replaced with a disappointed look but soon they covered it up .

Dekisugi sighed in relief as for now he is safe from their teasing and fighting about love .

Suneo - I gotta go bye guys !

Gian - why are you leaving so soon ?

Suneo - today me and Nobita Decided to hangout that's why bye

Doraemon/dekisugi/gian - byee

Suneo left from there . He reached at the mountain where they decided to meet he saw nobita already waiting for him there . He goes there without even saying a word he just hugged him .

Nobita - hey suneo !

He didn't got any reply from suneo , he started to get worried but soon he heard sobbing sound . He looked at suneo , suneo was still hugging him . Nobita hugged suneo back without saying a word , he didn't question Suneo about anything .

Nobita was just consoling suneo . Nobita was angry at the person who made his bestfriend cry . Nobita wanted to ask suneo a lot of questions but he know suneo wouldn't tell him anything .

After few minutes suneo let go of Nobita and wiped his tears . Suneo's nose and cheeks were red from crying .

' it's been a long time since I saw suneo cried like this . I will surely kill that person who made my bestfriend cried like this ' Nobita thought.

Nobita - Suneo can you tell me what happened ? I am not forcing you at all if you are not comfortable in telling or don't want to tell me than don't . You can tell me whenever you want .

Suneo chuckled and shook his head .

Suneo - it's not like that Nobita. I know I can share  everything with you and since when I am not comfortable with you huh . It's just my reason for crying was silly .

Nobita - still tell me so that I can tease you

He said while wiggling his eyebrows . Suneo chuckled at his silliness .

Suneo - it's just that gian likes someone else today in cafeteria I heard the three of them talking about there crush them dekisugi was asking about gian's crush but I couldn't hear it cause suddenly you called me and asked me about something which I don't remember clearly sorry .

Nobita - aw don't say that it's not a silly reason to cry cause when you like someone and he doesn't likes you back it hurts a lot . But still there are lot of options

Suneo - options like ?

Nobita - I don't know , you that when it comes to these things I am a dumb person

Suneo laughed at nobita

Nobita - stop laughing !

Suneo - sorry but I can't

Suneo started to laugh again and Nobita also joined in Soon after they stopped laughing

Suneo - I DoN't KnOw , YoU kNoW wHeN iT cOmEs tO tHeSe ThIngS I aM a DuMb pErSoN .

He said while mocking him . Nobita hit his arms

Nobita - I was just trying to help you !

They spend their evening in talking, mocking and teasing each other . They enjoyed their time together and soon they bid goodbye to each other .

Thank you so much guys for you love and support .
Your lovely comments always make my day .
When I was going through that worse time you loving and caring comments comforted me .
Thank you , thank you so much for reading my stupid story and loving it .
Thank you for always being there for me .
Thank you ❤️

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