Chapter 13

386 21 13

( 31 July , time 6:45 )

Miu - I thought that after I left your so called friend might have told you everything but I guess he didn't. That's why you are still finding answers


Dekisugi' PoV
I sighed when Doraemon said he is going to abort this case knowing so well that he is doing it for us . Doraemon literally cares for everyone in the group but he doesn't show it . Doraemon can do anything just for his loved ones even it means giving away his happiness, his love , his life , his everything .

I guess I should tell them atleast the thing I remembered.

Dekisugi - please don't abort the case

Doraemon - huh! Why ?

Dekisugi - that night me and Miu were going out to have our dinner , I only remembered having dinner with Miu  but suneo had something to do with it , he even called Miu when we were at the restaurant .

Gian - that doesn't mean anything dekisugi

Dekisugi - I am not saying that suneo loved Miu or something. I am just saying that suneo knew something about that night that I don't cause when I woke up I found suneo by my side and he was the one who told me that we had an argument that night and she left me

Gian - suneo would never betray his friend !

Dekisugi - and I am not saying he betrayed us I am just saying he is hiding something from us

Gian - but you are doubting him !

Doraemon - guys !

Dekisugi - so what if I am !?


Doraemon - SHUT UP YOU FOOLS !!!

He said us while using his leader voice which he only uses when we are on our mission

Gian and dekisugi - but -

He showed us his plan and give us a 'shut up or else I will kill you ' look . I sometimes hate it how much authority he holds but he is our leader and right now he is acting as one .

Doraemon - I will not tolerate this behavior and Dekisugi and Gian stop with this stupid fight of yours . Gian , Dekisugi only said that he think that Suneo is something from us that's it

Gian - okay but isn't it so nice of him to think something like this about our friend .

He said sarcasticly

Doraemon - Gian remember that everyone has their own secrets and so what if Suneo is hiding something from us ? I trust him and I am sure he will tell us everything

He said in a clam voice which made Gian relaxed a bit and think about it .

Dekisugi - Doraemon you know that I am not saying tha-

Doraemon - it's okay dekisugi I understand and I am continuing this case okay . Let's have a meeting today I want to end this case fast

I am glad that Doraemon understand it easily after all he is my best friend .

Gian - come on guys! Let's go they might be waiting for us

We nodded and started to go towards the parking area.

Flashback ends

Gian - which friend are you talking about ?

Miu - aww that cute little charming foxy boy

Doraemon - you mean Suneo

Miu - yup guessed it right

Dekisugi - shut up ! I knew that Suneo was hiding something from us but I know one thing he will never betray his friends

Frank - so when she is saying that Suneo betrayed you ? Suneo never betrayed you , he just never told you the truth.

Frank spoke he was silent this whole time .

Gian - whatever ,next question

Doraemon - who are you Frank or should I say Dylan ?

Dylan just smirked even after knowing that they knows his real name which should be kept hidden

Dylan - wow I must say you guys are really great that's why father likes you . Well I am American mafia's third son .

They were shocked after knowing no hella shocked cause they didn't knew they have to fucking deal with a mafia's son .

Dylan - oh don't worry my father won't  do anything unless you harm me which you won't right ?  I guess you didn't think that I would be mafia's son . You guys might have thought that I am some kind of drug dealer or murderer right !?

Gian - the hell he speaks too much !? How did he even managed to stay silent before .

Dylan - oh about that I prefer to stay silent when i am working or when I find some threats around me . I thought you are threats to us that's why I was silent but now I don't think so

Dekisugi - please just stay silent cause we can still kill you if we want

Dylan  - no you won't and if you did my father would kill everyone you loves or holds dear to heart .

The tiro just sighed cause he was right and they didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt cause of them . Guess they wouldn't be able to close this case soon .

The tiro sat on the ground while the duo were still tied to the chair . No one didn't speak for a hour and the silence was killing Dylan a lot .

Dekisugi -  why did you come back here after so many years ?

Dekisugi asked while breaking the silence Dylan sighed in relief ' thank God someone broke the silence. Hell the silence was killing me ' '

Dylan - my dad gave me a mission and I asked her to tag along.

The others frowned in confusion after hearing the explanation .

Gian - why did you asked her to tag along ?

Dylan - she works with my father and she is my cousin also I needed her for my protection .

The others laughed at his reasoning cause Dylan is a mafia's son and they all know very well that he is well trained fighter while Dylan just pouted . Miu mentally face plamed herself cause in reality she can't do after all her hands are tied .

Miu - dyl you are just giving them all the information

Dylan - cause they said if we give them answer to all of their questions then they will leave us

Doraemon - next question, why did you need to get know about our past ? Was it Dylan's father who give you the mission to get info ?

Dylan - Miu didn't specifically wanted to know about your past  she was asked to get all the information about you that includes your past . My dad give her the mission cause he wanted to know about you  cause he saw you guys on of your mission when you were killing a criminal that he was going to kill so he  asked Miu to get all the information about you . He also had his people stalking you .

Dekisugi - creep

Dylan - actually my father liked you guys a lot when he saw you killing that criminal, he wanted you guys to join him but when he gets to know that you guys were working for police he called Miu back . When he called Miu back by that time Miu already got all the information.

The others really wanted to close his mouth but they let him speak cause they are getting the information they needed.

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