The alley

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She woke up in an unknown alley. Her vision was blurry, she couldn't see anything. Her head hurt very bad. She tried to stand up but she fell back instantly.

"Wha—" she coughed. "What...happened...? Where... am I....?"

She cleaned her eyes. What she saw was completely unknown to her. She was in a dark, creepy alley.

She looked at herself. Her battlesuit was covered in blood. She didn't know how it got there. She didn't remember anything.

Not even her name.

She stood up and leaned onto the wall. When she looked up again, she noticed a silhouette of a stranger. It looked like spikes grew out of their back. A strange feeling struck the girl. It wasn't the silhouette of a human but something other than that.

And it was watching her.

She turned around. The end of the alley wasn't far. Just a few steps and she can call for help.

But who should she call? She didn't remember any friends or acquaintances.

It didn't matter. She just wanted to get out of that alley.

She started walking ahead as fast as she could. She was frightened.

Right before she reached the end, a strong wind struck her back but just for a second. She lost her balance but still managed to not fall.

She wanted to take a step but she couldn't. She felt a presence behind her.

Really close to her.

"You won't get away!" It was an mad-sounding voice of a girl. But when she turned around, she saw nothing behind her. Even the stranger she saw before disappeared.

She wanted to run but couldn't. Her legs were too weak to even stand straight.

She continued walking to the end of the alley.

This time she made it.

She was in a city. There weren't many people outside, because it was nighttime.

She needed to get help. But whenever she approached a person, they either tried to stay as far from her as they can, or they only said "No money" and then walked away.

She figured the people thought she was homeless.

It may have been right. But she didn't want to give up. Yes, she didn't remember anything. But she wanted to remember. Because when she was trying to recall something, there's always a feeling of love.

Unfortunately, she was weak. She probably had concussion and amnesia. She collapsed in the middle of the street.


Another strange place.

'It looks like a lab', she thought.

And indeed it looked like a laboratory. She was standing in the door. To the left from her, she saw three huge tubes containing some green liquid. Inside all three tubes, there was a white haired girl. All three looked the same. On the right, there were another three of these tubes but empty. And in front of her, she saw a computer with huge screens.

Whoever worked there, they were experiencing on these three girls.

'What is this?', she thought.

"This is your origin."

Her heart started beating faster and a strange mix of feeling of sorrow and love filled her.

She heard this voice somewhere before.

"Who...are you?", she asked.

"You have to remember!", the voice said. "You NEED to remember, Kiana Kaslana!"

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