The strange girl

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Kiana tripped.

She turned around. The zombies somehow didn't follow her. They just stood in a straight line next to the pine tree.

It was like they couldn't get to her.

Kiana didn't want to wait until the zombies get to her so she quickly stood up and continued running further away from the zombies.

There was a strange feeling.

Kiana saw these zombies before.

She didn't know where and when.

But she was sure about it.

'It's not the time to think about it!', Kiana thought.

She still looked back occasionally to see if the zombies are following her. Fortunately, the danger was gone.

One time she wasn't paying attention to what was in front of herself, she ran into a girl's back. Both of them fell.

"I'm so sorry!", Kiana apologized instantly.

"Could you just look the way you—" The girl suddenly stopped speaking when she took a look at Kiana.

"I'm sorry...", Kiana apologized again.

"You okay?", the girl asked. "You're full of blood..."

Kiana didn't know what to say.

She didn't remember anything. She didn't know what happened or why she had blood all over her.

Of course she wasn't okay.

But she couldn't just say this to her.

The girl stood up and took a step towards Kiana. She held out her hand to help her stand up.

"I'm Petra", she introduced herself. "Daughter of Apollo. And you are?"

"Kiana Kaslana...", she said.

'Daughter of who?', Kiana thought. Was she supposed to know who that is?

"Come, I'll show the way!", Petra said.

Kiana was perplexed. Everything happened so fast. She didn't even know if she could trust this girl she just met. And why didn't the zombies follow her through the pine tree?

Kiana finally decided she'd follow the girl to wherever she was going to lead her. Who knows, maybe she could get some help.

It wasn't a long walk, but Petra threw questions at Kiana restlessly. Questions like "Where are you from?", "Why are your clothes full of blood?", "Where are your parents?" and stuff like that.

Kiana couldn't answer any of them.

After many questions, Petra stoped asking her anything, seeing Kiana getting uncomfortable and frustrated, so they just walked in silence.

It was already dark. And Kiana hadn't eaten for days now.

She was really hungry. She could barely stand anymore.

She stopped and sat down.

She felt dizzy. She felt weak.

"Come on, just a few more minutes and we're there!", Petra encouraged her.

Kiana tried standing up. But instead her sight got blurry and darker and darker by every moment.

A moment later she found herself in another dream.

She was in a desert.

No water or tree nearby.

She only saw sand everywhere around her.

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