Camp Jupiter

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It's already been two days since Jason had gone to Camp Half-Blood. During this time Reyna was the only one in charge of Camp Jupiter.

It wasn't hard for her, because she had already had to lead the camp alone when Jason had gone missing for a while. But she still had a bad feeling.

She had seen the beast Jason and Thalia had been fighting with. The two of them couldn't even scratch it.

If two children of the Big Three couldn't hurt one of these, together, then what could they possibly do if these attacked?

Ever since that day, the camp has constantly been under alarm. Reyna couldn't even sleep in these two days. She was afraid to even sleep.

If something happend all of her people's lives would've been in her hands. She mustn't sleep. She had to be on guard.

"Reyna, you really should get some sleep!", Piper told her.

Piper McLean, daughter of the Greek goddess, Aphrodite. She was the girlfriend of Jason Grace, the other Praetor of the camp.

"You do know you don't bear this burden alone, right?", Piper asked.

"Yeah...", Reyna answered.

"Go, get some sleep!", Piper insisted. "I'll keep a lookout for you, okay?"

Reyna nodded, went inside her cabin and shut the door behind her.

Obviously, this wouldn't have been the case if Piper hadn't used her Charmspeak. She knew Reyna would be too stubborn to give in at all.

Two hours passed. It was around midnight. Piper was talking to Hazel right in front of their cabin, sitting on the stairs.

"I'm really worried about Jason...", Piper said after a few minutes of silence.

"I understand...", Hazel answered. "But why didn't you go with him?"

"I had a dream that was similar to a prophecy", Piper said. "I mean it wasn't one, but felt like one. It showed me I had something to do here."

"What did you see?"

"I saw Jason just walk away. Then... Camp Jupiter in flames...many dead...and...I think a god."

"A god?"

"I don't know which one. Didn't see their face."

"The camp in flames...", Hazel said. "Maybe it was that god?"



The cabin next to them exploded. The explosion even sent Piper and Hazel on the ground.

"You okay, Hazel?", Piper asked.

But Hazel didn't answer, she just ran towards the cabin.

Piper saw despair in her look. Despair she has never seen before from any of her friend's.

She just stood there, right next to the burning Cohors.

"Frank was in there...", Hazel said. Her voice was weak. She turned around. Piper saw the tears on her cheeks.

The Romans came out of their cabins to see what that huge sound was from.

Reyna also managed to weak up to the sound. When she saw the burning cabin, she instantly ran there.

She saw Hazel next to the cabin. She was sitting on the ground, staring at something in front of her, but in a way she never saw the daughter of Pluto.

She was alive yet she looked lifeless.

"What happened?", Reyna asked Piper.

"I...I don't know, the cabin just...exploded!"

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