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"Mei..." Kiana whispered in her dream. "Himeko..."

"Who are they?", Annabeth asked Petra.

"No idea", she shaked her head.

"They are..." Kiana suddenly started speaking. " friends."

She finally started to remember. She sat up on her bed. She saw only two people around her. Two girls, but she couldn't see their faces. Her vision was still blurry.

"Who are you?" Kiana asked.

"I'm Annabeth Chase. Do you remember anything from when you got here?"

"Yes", Kiana answered. "I was following an orb until that huge pine tree. Then zombies attacked me."

"Zombies?", Petra asked. "Zombies don't exist."

"She must mean undead. From Hades", Annabeth said. "But why would they attack her but not Percy like twelve hours earlier?"

"Maybe she's another Forbidden Child?", Petra asked.

"I doubt it. Kiana, what's this energy I feel around you?"

"Huh?", Kiana looked confused.

First she wanted to say she didn't know. She just realized she remembered more.

"You mean the H—Honkai Energy?", Kiana asked.

She also realized something else.

Her body wasn't supposed to emit any Honkai Energy. Then why does Annabeth feel it around her?

Of course. She's a Herrscher.

The Herrscher of Void.

But she didn't remember why, but she felt like she should be ashamed and depressed about her being a Herrscher.

"Kiana! Hey, Kiana!", Annabeth called her.

"It's probably because of the ambrosia", Petra said. "It's probably her first time with it."

"Sorry...", Kiana said. "I just tried to remember something."

"You have amnesia?", Annabeth asked.

"Probably...", Kiana said. "When I try to remember my past, I can feel the emotions but I can't remember the events, the voices, the people itself or anything else. There are some stuff I do remember though. This Honkai Energy was something big in my home."

"You mean dangerous?"

"I mean something higher than humanity."

"So it's like a god?", Annabeth asked.

"I think something like that, yes."

"So it's a god from another mythology", Annabeth said.

"And I meant the word 'zombies' before, and not 'undead'", Kiana added. "Honkai can create zombies from the deceased."

"And do you know how to defeat it?", Annabeth asked.

"Nobody knows..."

"I see...", Annabeth looked at Petra.

"Ummm... Where am I?", Kiana asked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. This is Camp Half-Blood. You're safe here", Annabeth said. "The place is all over with demigods. And as you could see, monsters can't get inside."


"A child of a god and a human."

'So that's why Petra said she's the daughter of Apollo, because this Apollo is her god parent', Kiana thought.

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