Camp Half Blood

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That day, Percy wasn't the same. He was in constant thinking about his nightmare. It didn't seem like some prophecy or anything he's ever experienced.

He wanted to talk to Chiron about it, so he and Annabeth headed to Camp Half-Blood.

The way was long. Percy just wanted to get there.

The forest hiding the camp's entrance was very strange. Annabeth noticed it too. It was somehow creepy.

"Something doesn't seem right" Annabeth said. "I sense a strange energy."

Percy prepared Riptide and they both marched towards the camp entrance.

When they reached the camp entrance, they heard a sound from behind them. They turned around.

They saw a little girl. She was around ten years old. She had a nice white dress and a hat.

"Mommy?", she sobbed.

Percy closed Riptide, let out a big sigh and started walking towards the girl.

"Hey, you lost your mom?", he asked.

"Percy..." Annabeth was frustrated. "I don't think it's a good idea..."

"Look, she's just a little girl, she might just be lost in the forest", he answered. "Let's get her in the camp, at least it's safe there!"

"I still don't like this...", Annabeth said. "I'll cover you."

Percy smiled at her and kissed her cheeks.

"I'll be back in a minute."

Percy approached the little girl. When he got near enough to her to see her face, he saw a huge cut on her left cheek.

"Holy shi— What happened to you?"

The girl just cried and said nothing.

"Don't worry, let's get you patched up and then let's look for your mom, okay?"

"Mom..." she pointed to the tree next to Percy.

Percy turned the way she pointed.

There was a half body. Blood everywhere. The upper half was smashed into the ground.

"Holy shit!" Percy turned around quickly and hugged the girl so that she doesn't see her mom's dead body. "Let's go!"

Percy picked her up and started running back to the entrance where Annabeth was.

"Go inside the barrier!" Percy yelled to Annabeth.

Annabeth did as Percy said.

When Percy arrived with the girl, she asked "What happened?"

"Her mom is dead", he whispered. "There's something out there."

Annabeth heard the fear in his voice.

"We'd better tell Chiron about this...", she said.


The camp didn't change the past year. It was as lively as ever.

Annabeth, Percy and the little girl went straight to the Great House.

Nobody was outside of the Great House so Percy opened the door and they stepped in.

They heard three people talking. One of them was Chiron, the other two are Jason and Thalia Grace. Judging by their tone, it was a really serious conversation.

"Percy! Annabeth!" Jason noticed them first. "Who's that with you?"

"Chiron, we need to talk to you!" Percy said, ignoring Jason's question. "She was outside of the camp. Her mom was dead by one of the trees. And it wasn't a good sight. I doubt it could've been done by a human."

"Thalia!", Chiron said. "Could you please take this girl to your cabin for now?"

"Sure...", she answered. She stood up, took the girl's hand and walked out of the house.

"She seems to be in shock" Annabeth said.

"Not surprised about that though..." Percy said. "But what could have done this? Her mother was completely smashed into the ground. Her body's upper half like...disappeared... I've never seen anything doing something like this... Not even Giants or Titans..."

"It wasn't human", Jason said. "Neither god or anything like that. We are here for the very same reason."

"What was it then?", Annabeth asked.

"Something not from this world", Chiron answered. "We don't exactly know what this is or how it got here, but not even Zeus has seen anything like it before."

"Is it like an alien?" Percy asked.

"Something like that, yes. They emit a strange energy."

"We felt it in the forest", Annabeth said.

"Can we kill it?", Percy asked.

"Hardly", Jason said. "I fought with one of their smaller ones, it's almost like it's invincible. There's an energy field around it. But it seems it can't cross this camp's barrier, so we're safe from them...for now."

"We have to find a way...", Percy said.

"I agree", Jason said.

"First we need to understand what this energy is", Annabeth said. "Without knowing, we won't defeat a single one of them."

"Then, Annabeth, can you work on it?", Chiron asked. "With the entirety of the Athena cabin."


"Thank you. Now, Percy, I see that something else is also bothering you."

Percy told them the dream he had, including that he had never experienced anything like this before.

"Hmmmm...", Chiron was thinking. "It's certainly strange. I'm sorry Percy, I cannot say anything, I have no idea what that was. Only thing I could say is that you may have seen the future but since you experienced the dream after the event, it's not right..."

"Percy, it was just a dream, it doesn't have any meaning...", Annabeth said. "Nothing will eat me, okay?"

"Yeah..." Percy nodded.

It looked real. It WAS real. Percy knew it. It hurt him that the one he loves the most doesn't believe it.

He just wants to protect her.


The girl woke up on the street.

She heard her name in her dream. But couldn't recall what else happened in it, only her name: Kiana Kaslana.

'I must have collapsed...' she thought. 'How much time was I out? I'm so hungry....'

She looked around to see if there's anyone who could help her.

At first she wasn't expecting anything.

However she saw a strange light orb levitating just above the ground.

She approached the orb. When she got closer, the orb suddenly moved.

'I don't have any better choice than following it...', Kiana thought.

She followed the orb all day. It took her to a forest outside of the city. It was a really long way.

She felt something. It was really familiar to her. And not in the good sense.

Maybe that orb was a trap?

She could've ran away. But for some reason, she felt like she had to stay and follow the orb through the forest.

When she entered a forest, the feeling of uneasyness increased drastically.

'Just go and don't look back!', she thought.

The orb suddenly stopped in front of a pine tree. The tree gave out a strange feeling.

"You want me to go there?", she asked the orb.

Suddenly she heard something from behind.

A huge horde of zombies were behind her.

She didn't wait a single nanosecond more, she ran towards the orb.

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