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"Honkai", Kiana said. "It appeared in my home a long ago. We don't exactly know what it is, but it's sure it's not from Earth."

"What do they want?", Percy asked. He looked...emotionless.

"Probably killing everyone. As I said before, Herrschers are their strongest warriors. They are godlike beings. I fought one before, the Herrscher of Wind, but she wasn't completely awakened."

"And you're a Herrscher too, right?", Thalia asked. She had anger in her eyes.

It wasn't strange though, Kiana had killed her brother.

"Seems like it", she answered with a bittersweet smile. "I'm not a normal Herrscher. I'm actually a clone of the real Kiana Kaslana, I was made to become the vessel for the Herrscher. The real Herrscher of Void is Sirin, her persona is somewhere inside me."

"And she saved us", Percy said.

"No, that was me", Kiana said. "She would've killed everyone here. I can manage to control this power for a while, but I don't know for how long."

She remembered Himeko. Her smile when she died.

"You fucking killed my brother...". Thalia was looking at Kiana with murderous intent.

"Hey, let's not fight with each other, okay?", Percy said. "Look, Thalia, you know I care about my friends. Jason was one of them. It hurts he's gone. But Annabeth's alive. Because of her. Because she did the best she could."

"We could've cured him!"

"How?!" Percy started feeling annoyed. "How would you have cured him?!"

"We would've found a way!"

"Even we don't even know how to reverse it", Kiana said. "We do know a lot of stuff about them, but not everything."

Thalia just turned around and walked out of the medical tent.

"She's right though...", Kiana said. "I did kill his brother... I killed many people..."

Percy gasped.

"Maybe so", Percy said. "But you also saved everyone here. And before...that wasn't you, right? That was Sirin."

"Yeah, but who knows how long I can resist her...", she said. "She could come out any moment and kill you all..."

"We'll find a way to get rid of her", Percy assured. "I trust you enough to know you'll resist her until then."

He said 'you will' instead of 'you can'. He was certain it wasn't her strength that could give in to Sirin. It was her mind.

Kiana was clearly afraid of her. She was literally shivering.

It was her agony that made her think it was her being too weak against Sirin.

If she kept up these thoughts, she would've eventually lost to Sirin.

It somehow reminded Percy that he developed a fear of drowning during their war against Gaea.

"I don't understand why you wanna help me so much", Kiana said.

"Because you saved us. I owe you a big one."

Percy looked at Kiana with serious face.

"I need you to show me how to defeat them!", he said.


Reyna was in pain. The Herrscher of Death kept her alive in Camp Jupiter for only one reason. To torture her.

It was just fun to him.

He cut all of Reyna's fingertips, even on her legs. He slowly started to skin her alive.

And the most horrible thing was that Reyna was conscious the whole time. He kept her conscious. And when she was about to die, he delayed her death.

It was complete madness.

Two days have passed. The Herrscher of Death took Reyna to a hidden place, where nobody could find them. Her screams didn't reach anyone.

She was completely on her own.

The Herrscher of Death appeared everyday.

And everytime he appeared, Reyna just wished he'd just killed her. She was in horrible pain. She was afraid.

"How sad", the Herrscher said. "The time we spent together will soon come to an end."

'Finally...', Reyna thought.

"So until then...", the Herrscher picked up an ice cream scoop, "... let's enjoy each other's company!"

The Herrscher leaned closer to Reyna's face. He looked dead in her right eye.

"I wonder what it tastes like...", he licked his lips.

Reyna spit on the Herrscher's face.

"Y'know what?", the Herrscher said. "I actually came up with a much better way to get rid of you."

The smile on his face... That creepy smile.

He released Reyna from the chains holding her arms and legs.

His eyes were shining with purple light.

"Eat yourself!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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