The dying girl

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Percy Jackson and his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase hadn't been in Camp Half-Blood for almost a year. Percy was trying to finish his highschool in Manhattan, and Annabeth was in collage somewhere in San Francisco.

He missed Annabeth, even though they were talking via Iris mirror every single day.

He missed her.

He wanted to hug her.

He wanted to kiss her.

They couldn't meet in two months.

But this was the day Percy was waiting for: the start of the final exams for Annabeth, which meant that Annabeth would come home to him.

He was very happy. He'd finally see his love.

Annabeth told Percy which plane she'd be taking to New York, so Percy could already be at the airport by the time the plane arrives.

He took his new car that he bought himself and rode it to the airport.

He was waiting for half an hour. The plane was late.

'Happens' he thought.

He was waiting for another hour and the plane was still nowhere to be found, yet the lady at the information table couldn't tell anything about it and the departure-arrival board didn't read "CANCELLED" or "DELAYED".

In fact, the board didn't even say anything about that particular plane Annabeth was on.

Something was really off.

He went to the bathroom, opened a tap and tossed a Drachmae into the water.

"Annabeth Chase!", he demanded worried.

Nothing happened.

"What's going on?"

He got another Drachmae from his pocket, and tossed it into the water. "Goddess Athena, Olympus!"

Nothing happened.

Percy was starting to get annoyed. He didn't know what to do.

"Okay, let's try calling her with the phone", he decided.

The reason he didn't want to call her with his phone was that he didn't want to get attacked by the monsters around.

But it didn't matter anymore.

He started dialing Annabeth's number.

But it just rang. Nobody picked it up.

"FUCK!" He threw the phone on the ground.

He took out his last Drachmae from his right pocket, and tossed it in the water. "Chiron, Camp Half-Blood!"

"Hi, Percy!"

"Hi! Sorry, I don't have time, something happened and I don't know what!" Percy said.

Chiron was surprised. He'd never seen Percy so worried.

"What happened?"

"So Annabeth was gonna come home today. And the plane she mentioned doesn't even exist."

"Maybe you misread and she's going home tomorrow?"

"No. I even talked to her today. And the plane existed four hours ago. I also can't reach anyone, not Annabeth, not Athena."

Chiron didn't say anything. He was just looking at the Iris mirror. Nothing else.

"Chiron?" Percy said. "Hey! Chiron!"

Still no answer.

The Iris mirror broke.

"What the hell is happening?"

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Occupied!" Percy said.

This someone was knocking again but with more power.

"What the fuck, man!" Percy said.

The person started to push the handle.

Percy took out Riptide. Something was seriously wrong with this.

The door opened.

Nobody was there.

He looked outside.

He saw literally nobody. Not a single person. Not even the workers.

He walked very slowly. Listening to every single noise.

He only heard one thing. It was similar to some animal eating something. He slowly followed the voice.

A few steps later, when he looked in one of the corners, he saw the worst thing he'd ever seen.

He saw a person ripping open a girl's stomach and eating every part of her. The girl's arms were already partly eaten and her head was missing.

Percy almost puked. He felt dizzy.

The person turned around. His face was covered in blood. He didn't have any shirt or top clothes on, and his jeans were ripped in places.

He had strange colored lines on his body.

He wasn't human anymore. More like a zombie.

Percy took Riptide and tried slashing through the zombie.

But it just went through him.

Riptide can't damage humans. Nor can it damage the dead.

The zombie attacked Percy. And when he dodged, he caught a glimpse of the head of the girl.

His heart skipped a beat.

He didn't want to believe his eyes.

It was Annabeth's head.

Percy felt rage. Sorrow. Pain.


He wanted to cry out but something held the voice inside.

This was when he knew he was gonna die.

And he thought he deserved it.

The zombie jumped on him from the back. The moment it touched Percy, he suddenly woke up in his bed next to Annabeth.

He looked around like crazy. He was sweating, hyperventilating.

Annabeth wake up.

"What's with you?"

Percy started crying.

Annabeth couldn't even imagine what kind of nightmare he had. She hugged Percy hard.

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