Chapter 5 - This Is The Thanks I Get?

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The residents of Rosas were perplexed, gathered for the second time in a week by their king and queen. Some, as always, seemed eager for their wish to be granted. Dahlia, along with Gabo, Dario, Hal, Safi, Bazeema, and Simon, occupied front-row seats, the leader among the teens showing a slightly more anxious demeanor.

King Magnifico, clearing his throat, walked past his wife and addressed the crowd. "Greetings! I apologize for the inconvenience, but I thank each one of you for dragging yourselves out of your homes... again. After last night's little... event, I must inform you that there is a traitor among us."

The audience emitted gasps like an eerie chorus reminiscent of zombies. Amidst this, Asha's best friend remained exempt, entrusted with safeguarding her friend's intentions.

Magnifico urged, "Anyone possessing information about this individual must step forward," his eyes briefly connecting with Dahlia's. He added sternly, "Should you refuse, there will be consequences."

Observing Dahlia's heaving shoulders, Gabo raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's up with you?" When she didn't respond, he nudged her.

"What do you want, Gabo?" she replied, feigning confidence. "Leave me alone. I barely slept last night."

"Pretty sure that goes for most of us here," Gabo grunted, crossing his arms. "That falling star didn't just wake you up."

"Be quiet you guys," Safi snapped before sneezing, forcing Hal to take cover. The thoughtful Bazeema was quick to hand him a handkerchief.

"Hey," Simon yawned. "Where's Princess Asha?"

"Eh, good question," Dario said. "She's usually up on the stage."

A sudden outburst from the king shattered Dahlia's thoughts. "Do you—" Magnifico hesitated, pointing at each of the teens once in order to count them, "—seven... have something to share?"

"No, your majesty!" Dahlia stepped forward, her expression shifting to one of horror the instant she caught the sound of a fiery explosion emanating from the king's study. The noise caught Magnifico and Amaya's attention, encouraging Dahlia to act fast. "But! We were discussing some questions we had..."

The king narrowed his eyes. "Go on."

"Well, uh, first things first, hi! I'm Dahlia, and I make your Magnifico cookies."

"I know who you are."

"Super! Sorry, it's just I don't think you and I've ever spoken. After all, Queen Amaya hired me as the royal baker years ago. Not sure what say you had in that, despite being the... king..."

The crowd exchanged glances, growing increasingly tired of Dahlia's chattiness. To say the least, Magnifico seemed uninterested. "Fantastic, what can I do for you, Dahlia?" He spoke in a hurry, his flattened brow making Dahlia panic a bit.

She gulped. "Pragmatically speaking, what evidence qualifies? Like, let's say we have an idea of who the traitor might be, but we're not one hundred percent sure, so perhaps it's more of a hunch—"

"Any information would be helpful, so please! Hunch! Hunch away!" Magnifico groaned.

Meanwhile, Asha, Star, and Valentino had made it safely inside the chamber of wishes. Asha watched as Star swam among the orbs, mimicking wishes by shapeshifting into what represented them the most.

"Star!" Asha called out sharply. "Hey! Focus! We need to figure out a way to get these out of here... unnoticed, too! But... there are thousands! In retrospect, I should've thought this through better. Maybe there's a spell I could—no, not really. Ugh!" She paused, her shoulders bouncing with laughter as she realized Star's delight amid the multitude of wishes.

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