Chapter 10 - When You Wish Upon a Star

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To Star's dismay, Queen Amaya's cell was empty. A pipe leak rhythmically dripped onto the cobblestone, enhancing the dungeon's eerie ambience.

The guards standing behind the heroic duo, Star and the lovely Princess Asha, were poised for action. "Would you like us to look for her, Princess?"

"No," she replied. "Let them be."

The men exchanged unsure glances. "Them?" one of the soldiers repeated, seeking clarification.

"Queen Amaya and King Magnifico."

"But the king is..."

"He's out there too—I can feel it," she added, the vacant prison peering into Asha's soul. "But I doubt we'll be seeing them anytime soon."

. ・。 . ・゜ ✭ ・ . ・ ✫ ・゜・。 .

Beyond the castle walls, Queen Amaya, having escaped the confines of the kingdom of Rosas and its dungeon, walked alone, carrying the weight of a melancholy heart. All of a sudden, her ears caught the faint sound of Magnifico's voice.

"Hello?" Magnifico shouted, his voice sounding diminished. "Is anyone there?"

Approaching the source of the noise, Amaya's expression quickly shifted to confusion upon seeing her husband trapped within a fragment of his shattered staff. Kneeling down, she picked up the mirror shard and murmured, "Mi rey?"

"Amaya, darling!" her cherished husband exclaimed, helplessly imprisoned by the Dark Magic he once wielded. "Thank goodness! Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," she told him dismissively. "What happened to you?"

He chuckled awkwardly. "Asha happened," Magnifico replied.


"And what?"

"You're stuck."

"That's not important, dear," Magnifico commented, rubbing the back of his neck whilst captive inside the mirror. "But perhaps you could help me escape!"

Amaya thought for a moment. "Maybe some time in there will be good for you."

The man gasped in disgust. "Excuse me?"

Out of seemingly nowhere, Luci reappeared, the now hairless cat perching on Amaya's shoulder with paws dangling in feline grace. "Oh, it's just that I've been reevaluating some things... now that I have my wish back..."

"Oh! That's great news, Amaya, that's...!" Magnifico's voice trailed off. "Oh..."

"Don't worry; it's only temporary," Amaya assured as she concealed him from view, drawing the hood of her cloak over her head. With a whisper, she added, "Long live the queen," a familiar forbidden grimoire adorning her hip.

. ・。 . ・゜ ✭ ・ . ・ ✫ ・゜・。 .

"And then, Valentino crashed through the window and flour went everywhere," Asha recounted. "Yeah, Dahlia was NOT happy."

Accompanied by Star, Asha meandered down one of Rosas' charming streets beneath the bright glow of stars in the night sky. Unaware of the boy's desperate attempts to communicate with her, Asha continued to ramble. Valentino trailed behind, picking up on Star's hesitation to reveal that it was time for him to return home.

"Of course I don't blame her. Goats aren't the cleanest animals. No offense, Val." Asha was hushed by a tug at the hem of her skirt. Glancing back, she noticed Star a few feet away, realizing that Valentino was trying to capture her attention on his behalf. "Yes?"

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