Chapter 1: George Berkshire

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"Okay, so let me get this right. Your dad, who hates pirates, is now demanding that you marry this pirate princess?" Bryer, my royal guard, asked as we walked down the long halls, my younger brothers trailing closely behind us.

"Yes Bryer, we've been through this already." I growled while running a hand through my caramel brown curly locks.

"Why wouldn't your parents just want you to marry someone closer to home instead of arranging it?" Bryer suggested and I was starting to get tired of this conversation.

As we finally reached the large throne room doors, the guards open them the second we stopped in front of them. Along with announcing each of us as we walked into the room. From oldest to youngest.

"Prince George."

"Prince Nicholas."

"Prince James."

Although Bryer didn't get an introduction, she hurried in after us. My brothers and I each took our seats on our thrones in complete silence. Each of our names engraved in gold at the top of our thrones just above the velvet plush.

"Please welcome King Blackstone and Princess Rue Seawright, the king and princess of the pirates." The guards announced as a tall man with grey hair and a short girl with the most perfect ginger hair entered.

I couldn't help my eyes widening at the sight of the ginger haired girl. She was drop dead gorgeous and not at all what I had expected from a pirate. She wore a short, layered bright red dress that commanded attention, which she clearly enjoyed as she walked confidently beside her father towards the thrones. Her smirk grew as she locked eyes with my mother, the queen.

"King Adam, Queen Caroline," Blackstone greeted, while Rue gave a princesses signature curtsey, "I present to you my oldest daughter, Rue Seawright, for marriage to one of your sons, in hope of uniting our kingdoms."

"Thank you for coming, King Blackstone, Princess Rue. We offer our oldest son, Prince George." My father announced, so I stood up and approached Rue who seemed even smaller now that I was standing.

I offered my hand, feeling its size and coldness compare to Rue's as she hesitantly placed hers in mine. Something in me knew that I had to be gentle, so I was. My fingers gently folded her fingers into her palm before I raised her hand to my lips. Except Rue's reaction wasn't what I would have expected.

"Cute." Rue mumbled, withdrawing her hand from mine with a small smirk and a cute wink, she then returned to stand right beside her father as I took my seat back on the throne.

I could see that my mother was displeased with the way Rue had responded, also clearly displeased with Rue's apperance. My mother snapped her fingers, summoning a group of women in blue dresses that hurried in nervously. She gave them the instructions to enhance Rue's apparal and gave the main woman several things to have done.

"Princess Rue of the pirate kingdom," My mother declared, which commanded Rue's attention, "My stylist will make you look more presentable. Later tonight, our royal guard Ellette Selke will escort you to dinner."

Rue glanced at her father for a moment before turning back to my mother, "At what time is dinner?"

"Tonight, you'll be notified by my guards." My mother replied sternly.

"Miss. Seawright, would you please come with us?" One of the women in blue asked and Rue looked at her father once more.

That continued to catch my attetention. I noticed Rue's dependency on her father, and I exchanged a glance with my brothers. Something wasn't right, I knew that. Rue had barley spoken, looking to her father for most of the conversation. Almost asking for permission to speak, or at least that's what it had looked like.

"Go on, Rue. Let's not keep your soon-to-be mother-in-law waiting." Blackstone urgered and Rue gave a small nod before reluctantly following the women in blue.

"Bryer!" Caroline called and Bryer instantly stepped forward, not looking threatened in the slightest despite the intimacy of my mothers gaze, "Escort King Blackstone to the guest quarters, and afterward make sure to see Rue's belongings to George's room."

Bryer looked slightly confused at my mother's last request, but she didn't ask any questions, "Of course, my queen."

At that Bryer departed from the throne room with Blackstone in tow. Although I couldn't pay attention to anything else going on, I just couldn't shake off the strange feeling that something was going on between and Rue and her father.

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