Chapter 5: Rue Seawright

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A smile formed on my face as I stepped onto the rugged stairs of my family's ship, a vessel that had been my home since my mother's passing. The Right Tide swayed gently with the waves hitting up against it. It's alive with the memories of countless voyages. It was completely different to the castle back home, that had imposing walls and somber halls that were full of portraits of ancestors. Although it was all a reminder of my mother's absence. At sea, I felt free of my past with the ever-changing horizon and pulse of the waves. I found solace after years of restlessness.

"Well, look who decided to visit, it's only been a day you know," Lucky's voice, higher pitched and full of playful energy, interrupted my thoughts. She hopped over, her blond ponytail bouncing with each step.

I settled onto a barrel of alcohol nearby, glad to have her company, "I had to get away. The queen's a bit much, I'll be honest, but the others are tolerable. I have yet to speak with the younger princes though. The king, though... he has the dark illness," I explain, my gaze shifting along the railing of the deck.

"The king?" Lucky hesitated, her voice softening instantly, "He has the dark illness?"

I nodded slowly, the weight of my past settling in again, "The same illness that took my mother. It hasn't progressed far, but enough for panic and urgency to set in within the castle. We're planning to set sail after the engagement ball, we're hoping for a quiet departure."

Lucky furrowed her brows, "Won't people notice?"

"Not if everything is planned to perfection," I assure, crossing my legs under me, "We need to gather Tory and Percy to strategize."

"I'll go fetch them; your cabin as usual?" Lucky asked, already turning to leave. I nodded, watching her go before I stood up and made my way below deck.

In my cabin, the familiar salt-tinged air greeted me, it was comforting in the moment. I always kept the window open to savor the ocean's scent and the sound of the waves as I slept. Or tried too at least. Half the time I never fell asleep or could never stay asleep.

I knelt and pulled a chest from beneath my bed, reaving my pirate supplies. Worn out leather boots, laced from toe to knee. As I slip them on it made me feel more prepared for the night to come.

The door creaked open and in walked Tory, Percy, and Lucky-my childhood companions. Their presence was already reassuring to me admis the uncertainty of my plans.

"Good, you're all here," I greeted them with a smile, finishing the last knot on my boot. "Please, take a seat. Anywhere you need to."

Before I could start explaining why I had called them, Percy chuckled, "It's been a day and you're already plotting your escape?"

"Not just an escape," I correct, causing them all to give me a curious gaze, "Prince George is coming with us. We're headed to Seawright kingdom, we're seeking Marissa's research ability on the dark illness. We're hoping that we can find a cure."

There was a silence that followed my words but was soon broken by Tory's practical concerns. "The engagement ball is in two days though. Crew recruitment, supplies. Are we even ready to do something like this?"

"That's where I need you three to come in," I reply, before beginning to explain my plan in better detail, "I need Percy to prepare the ship discreetly. Tory, gather provisions such as water, food, medical supplies, whatever we'll need for this trip. And Lucky, I need you to ensure distractions for the crew. Perhaps a celebration at a bar."

They all absorbed the details of my plan, the ship creaking softly beneath us. We were facing a threshold of uncertainty, but they were bonded to me by loyalty and determination.

Tory scratched the back of her neck thoughtfully. "It's a risk, but I suppose we've faced worse odds before."

Percy nodded in agreement, "With Marissa's expertise, we might just have a chance."

Lucky grinned, her eyes sparking with her usual excitement, "You can count me in. We'll make sure everything goes smoothly."

I felt completely grateful for my companions, their unwavering support was all I needed, "Thank you, all of you. We can do this I know we can, we just  need to trust each other. No matter how cheesy it sounds."

Hours passed by as we finalized our preparations. We worked hard until night fell, the ship's cook brought the four of us plates of dinner. We ate around the small table in my cabin, the room was only illuminated by a flickering lantern. Everyone was worried about the plan to come, Tory mostly, she had no restraint when it came to sharing her concerns.

"So, what you're saying is that the King's fate rests in our hands?" Tory asked staring at her plate, you could see the fear swirling around in her eyes, "If that's so, we can't afford to fail. For this kingdom and ours."

"We owe it to him, and to my mother's memory to find a cure." I say staring out the window at the moon reflecting in the water, I was my mother's moon she always said.

Percy noticed my expression and held his cup up. "To loyalty and finding the hope we're all looking for."

Lucky's laughter ran through the room, cutting through the seriousness of the moment. "To the adventure yet to come, and the thrill of facing this unknown!"

A small chuckle escaped my lips as I hold my cup up, "To changing the world for the better."

Everyone turns to Tory as she starred at the three of us in disbelief before sighing and raising her glass, "To the late queen."

We all smile and clink our glasses together before chugging them. We all drank to the purpose of this mission, knowing this could be the last moment of happiness all of us will share. This wasn't a usual mission full of laughter and happiness. It was a mission that the world depended on.

The night wore on, the ship's lanterns casting a group of dancing shadows across the deck as we all sat out on the railing. In that moment of silence, The Right Tide laid still under the blanket of stars above us. Lucky's arm wrapped around mine as she leaned against me. The cool night air brushing against our skins and making us shiver slightly.

"We'll do it, for your mother's legacy. I promise." Lucky whispered as her eyes started to close and not too much longer, she fell asleep against my shoulder.

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