Chapter 6: Rue Seawright

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“Lucky is currently getting the rest of the crew off the ship,” I explained casually, lying back on the plush bed as I watched George prepare for the ball. He stood before the large mirror adjusting his tie with practiced hands. 

“Once they’re all gone, she’ll come to pick up the recruits and take them to the ship.” I continued tracing the patterns on the bed sheets beneath me with my fingers. 

“Good, that’s good. Also, my dumb brothers are coming with,” George replied his statement showing a hint of annoyance and amusement, “As long as my father is alive, he will keep the kingdom safe. Nick and James can be big idiots, but he’s there father too, and they want to help.” 

“More is better,” I nodded in agreement, before tilting my head to observe him as he straightened his attire. 

Before either of us could say anything else, the door creaked open. A cadre of women dressed in blue garments entered, bustling around the room with purpose. They whisked George away, much to his displeasement, pushing him out of the room in gentle yet insistent motions. 

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s going on?” George protested, slowly turning towards them, a confused smile on his face. 

“By order of the queen, you are not allowed to watch us dress the princess for the engagement ball,” The head maid declared her tone leaving no room for protest, “Shoo.” 

George playfully rolled his eyes and put his hands up in surrender with a soft chuckle before reluctantly walking off. His footsteps faded away as he walked down the hall. With him gone, the ladies closed the doors and turned their attention to me, pulling me gently off the bed.  

One of them presented a stunning black silk dress, adorned with delicate floral prints in gold along its trailing hem. The other maids efficiently began to remove my clothes, their movements swift and precise. They helped me into a structured hoop skirt that cinched around my waist, creating a dramatic silhouette beneath the gown.  

The main maid worked in silence, adjusting the elaborate gown over the hoop until it draped flawlessly. Once they were satisfied, they gathered my long curly hair, deftly weaving it into an elegant bun atop my head. Despite the discomfort of it being pulled tightly, I endured the pain silently, looking in the mirror as my reflection changed.  

A silver and crystal crown was delicately placed upon my head, the bun in the middle, catching the light and reflecting it around the room. A matching necklace of intricate design was then draped around my neck. Finally, they aided me into a pair of open toed black heels, completing the efficient look. 

“I’m surprised how quickly you managed to get me ready,” I remark, admiring the way I look in the mirror, “No makeup?” 

“No Princess. The Prince and King requested that we portray your natural beauty,” The head maid replied with a small smile, “Miss Bryar, the Prince’s royal guard, will be here momentarily to escort you to the ball.” 

With a swift departure, the maids left me. Which meant I had the chance to prepare my outfit for later. I laid out a contrastingly simple outfit on the velvet sofa nearby. My knee-high boots, a white flowy dress and black fingerless gloves. 

Moments later, a sharp knock disrupted the silence of the room. The sound carried an intensity that put me on the edge. The know was distinctly different from the soft raps of the maids. 

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