Observation of enigmas

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          False hadn't meant to push her out the window. She really hadn't. She was just defending herself. But now the brunette had fallen down two floors and she was somehow still alive, though she wouldn't be for too much longer if False didn't do anything about it. Just then, though, there was the sound of elytra and the other False landed next to the unconscious dark-haired girl, looking incredibly worried.

           From inside the tower, the inventor watched False take the girl inside her house, and with the help of a telescope, she could see her other self pour healing potions on her through the window. Some time later, the girl woke up, and False could lip-read their whole conversation. The brunette, whose name turned out to be Jimena, had gotten a concussion from the fall and didn't remember what happened to her. They assumed that she was building the tower by the bridge and had fallen and hit her head.

           False couldn't believe how well this was working in her favor. The other False would never get suspicious about her tower of she thought Jimena built it, and with Jimena's memory loss, she couldn't tell her about the intruder. And now that my tower's finished, I've got a perfect spot to observe my clone without her seeing me.


           Jimena had a strange fevered dream, after she'd fallen unconscious and hit her head. She was in the void again, the one she always dreamed about. And there was someone else with her. He was a towering figure with a night-blue robe and veiled mask over his eyes, and a pair of enormous, azure-tinted wings. Mouth set in a grim line, he glared at Jimena with powerful eyes that she couldn't even see.

           <You're supposed to see,> He snarled.<What happened to you?! What did you do?!> Jimena couldn't speak. She looked back at him, wondering if she was frightened of him or just plain indifferent.<You should be frightened of me...> He growled back. You can read minds, Jimena thought, without a single bit of surprise or anxiety. <Yours,> He corrected.

           They stood there, suspended in the void, watching each other for a time. Jimena wasn't sure how long they spent there. It could have been all eternity for all she knew. Am I going back? She asked with her thoughts. <It is not your time to die,> He responded, sighing. And then Jimena was falling. Falling down to the depths of the void. Not again! Jimena struggled in vain. To do what? You're falling! Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the distinct shape of feathered wings. Whose wings? Fly!

           Jimena came to, lying on her bed, her back feeling even more sore than it had previously. What time is it? She glanced at her clock and was startled to see that it was late in the afternoon. How did I oversleep so much?! A vague memory of a dream floated in her mind before it drifted away again. Jimena tried to get up but felt a soft hand on her shoulder firmly pushing her back down again.

           She turned to see False sitting next to her, looking anxious and relieved. "Jimena, you're okay," False breathed. "Why wouldn't I be?" Jimena asked. "Why did you let me oversleep so much?" "Oversleep?" False related in bewilderment. "Jimena, I found you outside. You were unconscious, your head was bleeding so much, I was so worried!" Jimena blinked, trying to focus. She touched her forehead and realized for the first time that it was wrapped up in a thick gauze.

            "I don't remember anything," She murmured." What happened?" False leaned back in her seat." I don't know. I left and then came back and found you all hurt like that next that tower." False pointed out the window and Jimena followed her gaze. She saw a tower by the Cogsmeade bridge that definitely hadn't been there the night before, surrounded by chests and building supplies.

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