I guess I should've seen it coming.
I guess I should have known.
I should have seen it in your eyes.
The pain you were going through.
I can't help but realize,
Maybe that just wasn't you.
I should have known how to stop you.
I should have been able
To help you on my own.
I feel like I have failed you.
I'm sorry that you're gone.
I guess I should have seen it,
The way that you would hide.
I guess I should have noticed sooner,
All the times that you cried.
I should have been there
When you were alone.
I should have held you,
Close to my heart of stone.
I now miss you
And the beautiful person you were.
I guess I shouldn't do this
Because I know what happened to you.
I guess I shouldn't feel this.
I shouldn't want to die.
I shouldn't want to join you way up in the sky.
Maybe it didn't hurt,
Should I try?
I guess I should have seen this coming,
The day that you would die.